Post Commenti dont think people die of a bad back but ok
Not that pure apparently Straight edge flip. Grow the fck up, candy boys. Straight edge is just as gay as courage crew
The band didn't set it up. Inaccurate article flip. If he wasn't so pure, he would have died.
"We are funding..." No, everyone but you is funding.
Emergency surgery for some back pain? Get some shit from a pain doc and keep going, most hardcore band members experience similar issues from head banging or moshing with bad form. Sounds like a cop out and a advertisement for surgery. YOU DONT NEED TO BE CUT TO MANAGE PAIN
"I'm a grown man who doesn't take care of myself and decided to push myself with an injury instead of be responsible and get it taken care of, so please pay my bills now and help finance my shitty life choices."
AJ's got the angst of a 25 year old virgin, you're not wise shut the fck up
Can we get this guy some legit oxys so he can stop being a boy and become a true man?
He put himself in this situation by flying out to CA anyway - his choice. Stop enabling these fcking idiots in bands who believe it's their divne right to have their mistakes and problems solved by others. By the way, the family is just as douche as their son - they have no money, too? The FAMILY needs to fly out, not just a mom or dad? Extra money for expenses. Why not just organize a fmaily trip to Disneyland, too.
^ thats exactly what they are doing, make a ton of money on kickstarter and gofundme but still tell the hospital they have no money, then go to disneyland after that, no wonder my health care premium is going up another 30% this year
fake hospital room because the phone is a prop, look how old it is...doesn't even work with regular lines anyhow. FAKE NEWS.
Aaron Bedard here. Straight edge gambling addict. I'm currently running 5 to 1 odds that this guy dies on the operating table. I'll be taking the bets at the upcoming Antagonize show.
AJ is like 29 or 30 and rants on facebook like a 45 year old hardcore d00d who has been around since the stone age
Total marketing scam they're raising money for recording their next shitty ep that nobody will listen to
thats not a bald spot on the dude in the hospital beds head, thats a solar panel.. for a sex machine! but for real doe', my man looks homeless and strung out, someone throw him a dollar or two
Will there be another gofundme setup to help fly his ass home too?
I bet the wife is pretty happy this cuck injured himself. Now she can play with her bull 24 7
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Lol @ starting a gofundme to not die while promoting being in a band with that name