Just re-signed with @rrusa ??????????! pic.twitter.com/CZnwyKYZcq
— SENATOR HORSE PISS (@TriviumPaolo) March 24, 2017
Post CommentSo when are they gonna fire their drummer for the 50th time?
Well I know you can't work in fast food all your life ,But don't sign that paper tonigt
Wow.. Leet speak dude, you're REALLY reaching, here.
fck.My.Life. Healy signing what is likely a 6 figure contract and I am SICK.TO.DEATH. of eaten Ramen EVERY night with mom. We havent had a delicassy this yr. JUST RAMEN. Mom was slummin around little caesars and the guys inside give here some old Crazy Bread. "I GOT OUR DELICASSY JONNY!!!!" she stormed in. It was ok, but sometimes she splurges and makes SKETTI - spag noodles w stick of marg n ketchup - personally MY FAV. 'Deathcore' Jon np: one more victim - time to play with my c-ck
lmao rember when SHAVO tried to sign a rodrunner but he go to a ACME and get a anvil instead! XP LMAO yes it me again srj tmkn SOD fame.. seems like it was back in hm '96? CHP SUY hittin the airwaves and trivum covering SUGAR like it their song! xD anyway when SHAVO find out you best know he use that anvil on them like wiley coyote LMAO!!!
Hello and well the above comment? Another fake, slander mine name but the fans aint dishin out helpful scoops! Srj tmkn-sod fame. The boys hard at work tracing the fake computer address and well we set up hq for operation secret lmao the boys den Mlkn, SHAVO came up with the name, they on my iPad in the garage playin some games, told them they were helpin lmao anway got mine own team on the case and won't be long now
Hello again yes it is me srj tmkn SOD fame. Who am the imposters of this situation?? Everyone want a piece of SOD fame it turns out lmao Anyway MY team hard at work to find secret origin of last two srj tmkns and to take care of the business but right now SHAVO taking all the bandwith dowloading a new suicide silens?
A lot of little bitch boys libeling the real LG persona talent on these threads lately with their garbage never having hit pssy corny posts. step back before you really get housed soft gay
Obvs 2nd srj is real. Others are imposters to all but noobs also ^ what are u talking about who are u shaming and defending made no sense
Comment thread personas are fcking gay. You pussies should get a better hobby. At least get creative with it. That shits not even funny. Yall are gay as fck
Instant back obviously, been a fan of Trivium since my early crowd killing days. Their breakdowns can't be met, not even my fav bands D.I. can't fck with Triv's mosh. Gonna break out the ol 25 ta life bball jersey for this one. - Deathcore Jon np: Talk to the fist - Redline
fake ^ everyone knows when you losers try hard and blow it. have the intestinal fortitude, capacity and wherewithal to create and execute something on your own. I know... it's asking a lot.
Hey "Deathcore" Jon, I introduced your Mom last night to one of my favorite dishes, The Alabama Hot Pocket. Don't know what it is, well look it up.....little bitch.
Signed with the Demanufacture logo behind #potentialspoilersahead
Trivium is still a thing? I thought they broken up by now.
met my wife in a Trivium pit, this is great news. Album will slay
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but y tho?