Post Comment^^^^ couldn't have summed it up any better.
Huge keyboard warriors typing abuse as usual. .show us your bodies then overweight trolls
The music occasionally encountered elements of the modern post-hardcore.
members were all almost 40 when this band started
May have been upset if I knew who the hell they were.
Looks like a band member is reading and commenting on the story. Calm down snowflake
Look out fellas, that dude wants to see your bodies
Great start to the weekend!! They won't be missed
says they never got any opportunities, also mentions touring with killswitch engage. Wah wah wah
Just think how mad that troglodyte singer must be reading these comments ??
Wow. Crybaby bitches in that band. Crowdfunded tours and albums? Get a f*ing job, kooks. Wait… if they've been a band for *barely* 10 years, I would guess the members are around 26 - 28 years old right now. Hahahah Welcome to the real world, turds. I hear Wal-mart calling.
Ehh, they probably voted for Trump anyhow. Like the fella above me typed, "they won't be missed."
How tf was it crying? The statement was intended to praise our fand nothing but praise with honesty about the industry.
Crowdfunding is literally the opposite of DIY.
these guys are so full of themselves. everytime I saw them...."so who saw us open for killswitch?" crickets doors opened 10 min after they played lol
try crowdfunding a mortgage you fruity mcfruits
Hey I'm the guitarist in affiance now suck it dck monkies.
the west side of cleveland is full of the lamest people
Not only are you not DIY, in reality, you spent a decade playing the "music biz" game and have nothing to show for it. Industry ass-kissers who can't write a song to save their lives. The entire city of Austin. TX hates your guts. Remember when you toured with that band from Austin and all you did was argue and fight with them the whole time? You wouldn't even go inside the venue in Reno. Trust me, we're all better off without Affiance.
This band complained for the ENTIRETY of their shitty existence that the music industry was "all politics" and that's why they weren't able to make a career out of their music. Just refusing the whole time to believe the obvious truth: Their music didn't appeal to a lot of people. Case closed, game over.
What are some cool bands to check out guys?
What are some cool bands to check out guys? Counting Crows Barenaked Ladies
fckin sweet mate thanks so much i will look into them man!
those bands were a pile of shit, everyone ^^ don't check them out, i feel like this mate was sarcastic!
Yeah, people who try are the worst. Too bad they aren't cool guys like you hiding behind computer screens in your moms basements. Your band would be awesome, right? If only you didn't have to try to get your big ass up your mom's basement stairs. If only....
http://www.themoaningnews. moonfruit.co.uk/communitie s/2/004/008/300/852/images /4588075751_488x284.png They gonna get us!
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". From following Warped Tour to promote and sell cd's, to crowdfunding for a van and EP, our DIY ethos " ..... DIY - Do It Yourself ..... with the help others and stacks of free money .