Post CommentI choose to abstain from listening to The Absence - Frankie P
Hey Frankie...the world would rather you abstain from breathing and reproducing -Mandy G
^hahahahahahaha...oooh I guess you really told me off ...not really Either way ..go crawl back under the rock from which you came ...the world would be a much much better place -Mandy G
^^ how many records have you sold asshat?! Zilch, nada, nothing. How many countries have you toured?! I bet none. Sit down little clown
Is that your comeback response?? ...I don't have to be in a band to tour the world ..been plenty of places ..in the US and outside of it .. As for your record sales those too are debatable ...seeing as they have been in a steady decline the past few years ..last time I checked you still play the bar scene ..not what I would call successful.. Can't even keep f**King bandmates cause you're a retard,worthless,talentles s,idiotic creatin
If after 10 years in the "game" ..you still hold the opening slot and are still playing the side stage to the other stage ...well...
Oh if your sooooo successful ...since when did using bed sheets for curtains and a window air conditioner become a status symbol?
Why do people hate on every band? its the scumbags like you people thinking you know music when in all reality you are not musical inclined. I bet the people who wrote these negative comments have never even picked up a instrument or tried and failed miserably. Plus those are also the people who think bands like blacktounge are good.... smh
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