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Post CommentSigns to Roadrunner. Apparently does not have a drummer.
Out came the closet wolves c-mming in closets
wow what a really really dumb tattoo that fck has
I can see why this stuff would get made fun of but the track (and video) isn't bad. It reminds me a little bit of Sing the Sorrow-era AFI but with obviously less imagination.
sOmE TiMeS I Am cHaNgIn tHe oIlZ In a rX-7 Or fIeRo oR SuM OtHr sPoRtZ CaR LiK ThAt I StOp aNd tHiNk wHaT If kInG WuLdN'T HaVe sIgNeNeD A 350 DeAl fRuM RoAd rUnEr. WhErE WhOuLd wE Be. iTz dAvId gUnN. R LaBeL TrUlY HaS BeEnEd a gOdScEnT. wE GoTtEdD A 250,00 aDvAnZe n sUm oF ThAt mOnEyZ WeNtEd tOwArDz a sTaTe oF ThE ArT SaMeRaI KaSe i pUtTeD In dA LiViNg rOm wHeRe kInG FaMlY LiVeZ.
ThEn aGaIn kInG Is vErY KoNtReRvErSiAl n mAyBe wE WoUlD Hv wEnTeD On tO MaKe mIlLiEnZ WiTh oUtZ R LaBeL. BuT LiKe i sAiDeD In lYrIcZ In 1 oF R SoNgZ "a rEgReT MeAn nOtHiNg 2 mE WhEn i'm sUrRoUnDeD In vIoLeNzE LiKe a sEa" dAvId gUnN C/O JiFfZ LoFt fLiNt mI 321
Imagine a member leaving this band. "The former Out Came The Wolves singer is starting a new band called In Went A Rabbit. As the new In Went A Rabbit singer he plans to step out of the shadows of his former band, Out Came The Wolves."
Lead singer seems to be a little self centered. Love how all the other members are blurred out except the singer where the light is pointing only at him @1:05 and how he's he only one in the music video. I find it unflattering.
Personally thought it said A Scent Like Wolves at first, 7.5/10.
I have a cousin from the Minneapolis area and they're so fcking proud of these guys and this song is fantastic just like the others?.
GUYS I LOVE IT. I especially like how there was the blood splattering "BLEUGH" before the breakdown, just like in The Holy One. You guys are awesome! (Wearing an OCTW tshirt right now too :D)
stupidest most useless band to ever make music
^You mean besides the wailing 3 piece practicing everyday at your dad's place with your dads boyfriends and your dad, both on organ, and you banging the wall for it all to stop.
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Oh wow