Post CommentAnother Todd Jones side project?? This messiah won't quit! Whoever Integrity is, is going to be huge after this! But only in the underground, you posers.
Sammy love am here from metalcore og keep it reprint merch swap. Reprint shirts in 2016 will I. Keep it OG 4 ever my Fellow OGes
lame. want new power trip. need new power trip.
jerks who write songs with two V's in place of one W are stoked
Someone is really interested in buying this??
how did they do this without crowd-funding? What is their secret!?
Jacob Bannon will be cupping the mic as the producer adds a bum load of distortion in the vocal booth
Shane from down in it here any way we could get on this split and make it a sick 3 way split!
3. Her Eyes is Filled with Stars (Integrity) Is filled with stars.
Don't infect power trip with the smug bug, integrity...
Split? Like half the band? Nah. I want the whole band to record ALL the songs. Rise up. overcome
I see Integrity has hit an all time low... again
so... rereleasing the same tracks, but together.
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all lyrics and music composed by Todd Jones on all five tracks