Post CommentDo these bands ever get tired of touring together? Do you gays who like these bands ever get sick of seeing the same bands together?
Axell Pugh (Mosh God) approves! 1904! Duval County! NFHC!
Can't wait to break my hand during harms way and stay till the end anyway. fck you pussies in the back you are fcking dead. Fight me in ct
fck AD, they sound like a cross between Leeway and Liberace
Fight me in saint pete. Or suck my c-ck in the overly LARGE bathrooms the 662 has. <3
Please Terror play Lowest of the Low or One with the Underdogs tracks only.
so its pretty much one long song for 5 sets...
How many times is this tour going to happen? Terror, Power Trip, Harm's Way, and ATB? Jesus christ
Bands trying to shred each other's egos off are stoked.
This is the 8th time these bands have toured together.
harm's way is like terrible live, their steroids-freak vocalist sucks and the rest of the band had almost no stage presence
All of these bands ripped off Nails, bunch of posuer fggts
fck AD, they sound like a cross between Leeway and Liberace You've never heard punk rock, have you, you dumb gay
This is pathetically boring and overdone. Playing the same clubs that Terror plays on their own. Who fcking wants to see this garbage?? What a total shit stain. I'd go see Power Trip and Angel Dust for the same price, with two, ya know, decent bands. fck these idiots and their stupid "package" tours. Vitalo's dad is stoked.
Did nails sanction this tour? All tour most be ran past Todd jones for approval since he is the godfather of heavy music
^^^^ it's so true, jones is probably the Lennon and McCartney of brutality
Todd Jones is Lennon, Scott Vogell is McCartny
have to mix up some Harm's Whey, eat a Power Trip bar and go on a terror rampage at the mutherfvckin gym.
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Todd Jones is Lennon, Scott Vogell is McCartny This is so good
This tour is good. Stay home and pleasure to your own lambgoat comments while everyone else has fun. PS SOUPS ON fckASSDICKASSc-ckASSBALLZ ASSBUSTEDASSfckASSNERDS I will do about six stagedives when Terror plays.
"This tour is good. Stay home and pleasure to your own lambgoat comments while everyone else has fun. PS SOUPS ON fckASSDICKASSc-ckASSBALLZ ASSBUSTEDASSfckASSNERDS I will do about six stagedives when Terror plays." We get it, you were obsessed with Woe, Is Me 3 years ago. Kill yourself.
no Denver date? What in the fck is the matter with you? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK KK
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