Post CommentJesus where does it fcking end with begging online from fans. It's not even a Kickstarter or indiegogo. They are just begging. fck off
Who the fck spends 40k on an album but also thinks it wont 'recoup their loses'? Get a fcking job. You and that broke ass drummer.
I want to know how a band like this spends 40k on an album in modern times.
another day, another story of a band resorting to online panhandling
Since when does a Mac book and 2 mics cost 40k?!
anonymous30 minutes ago I want to know how a band like this spends 40k on an album in modern times. They brought in Lady Gaga to perform guest vocals
Didn't bands used to recoup costs for creating an album through things called "album sales" or "touring" rather than "just give us money because we said so"?
Is not the reason to record and release an album to make money that then covers the cost of recording and releasing said album plus extra? Learn how to be in a band you losers
Who are the morons giving THESE morons money!? Seriously. They aren't even doing a prepay for the album in advance. They want you to give them money and then buy their album when it comes out. Bunch of f-in tards. Will people stop supporting these bands taking advantage of their fans. Thought Oxbow where better than this... Guess not.
Lol...ok I'm calling your bluff idiots...let's see the receipts. How in the FVCK do you spend 40k on an album? Cough em up.
Ask MATT SKIBA for the money, apparently he's so cool and down with the cause. That guy eats sewer rats down on Ventura Blvd. I've seen that hobo suckin down human excrement and toilet lunch.
nice just donated $600. it's not a lot, but it's all I got. I hope it helps
Oxbow > whatever you're listening to right now
Thought Oxbow where better than this... Guess not. This is the type of shit I expect from some wanna be Rise or Artery band. Not an actual, real band. So embarrassing.
I'll support this act of stupidity by waiting until November, downloading the album illegally, and never paying to see them live.
this is the avatar of one of the clowns that donated. lol https://scontent.xx.fbcdn. net/hprofile-xap1/v/t1.0-1 /p320x320/12919694_1020852 0373228714_185120471864866 7831_n.jpg?oh=3f684318b9c0 d92d5da9d436b4ff42fa&oe=57 8178D7
Which one of you crab walkers is Gothar Reichart?
Jesus Christ enough already with the GoFundMe's and PayPal donations ..f**king get a job if you need new gear cause your dumb ass wasn't smart enough to buy Insurance.. If you need $$ for a record ..money for f**king video games ..quit mooching off your fans you f**king losers ..just quit
I should set up a gofundme to pay for the costs to bootleg the vinyl for this... If the pussies at the label or these vagrants in the band try to sue I've already got Mort Goldman on retainer so fck with me, I dare ya.
I wish all of these comments had to be said to Eugene in person....would be entertaining.
I wish all of these comments had to be said to Eugene in person....would be entertaining. How does one respond to "you're a shameless fcking pan handler?" I'm also not from Hickville USA and thus, not afraid of a dude just because he's black, loser, LOL
yeah, saying shit to a guy in his 60s, i'm shaking in my boots
Drummer Pete Jackson (Killwhitneydead, The Demonstration) is returning to the music world, but he needs your help. (still at $20 raised)
This is good to use as an example! If this makes you mad, dont vote for Bernie Sanders.
We dropped 30,000 on coke for inspiration and spent 10 in our friends basement. Please give us money.
Yeah I heard that Bernie Sanders is going to pay for every album made by middle to lower class musicians. It's a pretty radical idea.
Holy fck, this band is fcking terrible!!! I found some dumb video live. It's mediocre math rock or something. IDK it sucks dcks. Like a lot of dcks.
they're up to $1,286 lets get this discussion poppin
To all the people giving them money: your morons and have fun in life getting taken advantage of by mooches.
Do not get Matt Skiba hate on this site what the duck did he even do you try hard nerds
^^ you should be a comedian because that is hilarious
People need money for dying parents (like myself) and this shit happens. Damn the world is changing .
jealous little bitches all up in the comments. If fans want to give their disposable income it's well within their rights to help support hard working artists create art
^ shut the f**k up Frankie ..you f**king broke ass delusional piece of Shit ...F**k you and your "art"
^^ they're up to $1656 so go play with balls you Virgin monkey
You should welcome honest discourse because this roughly comes out to 6000k a song for tracking, mixing, mastering, 16 piece orchestra, engineer, producer, hard drives, studio time, overdubs,... Labels should hear it, bands should hear it and even fckheads like some of you should hear it.
We have jobs, which is how we paid for things. We play shows, this is how we pay for things. Our new label will market it but you and I know even if 40,000 people get the record, 40,000 won't be paying for it. You want lies, fine. Not from us.
^^ STFU Eugene. You can't justify this cash grab, fruity ass
16 piece orchestra and it'll still sound like toilet music for ass grabbing neanderthals
yeah i was on board until i saw the orchestra part. haha. anyhow best of luck. i do think you're getting assraped on those studio costs.
well you know you make the record that wants to be made not necessarily the record you want to make. And unless you want a future of nothing but EDM these are REALITIES. I mean 12 hour lockouts in a 24-track studio? With a mandatory engineer? What do you think that costs?
So if you're happy getting $1000 from your labels and having people steal your music because they think it only costs $1000 to make a record and you can easily make it back through "sales" well go ahead. but that's a goddamned lie and if you're IN a band YOU KNOW THIS.
^ your dads boyfriends face is a goddamned lie
i hear that. Well good luck nonetheless. I wish i had even 5k to make an album i've been wanting to make for years. Such is life.
It's about $13k a band member. divide that by 10 years...$1300 a year. I'm sure you know people who spend that much on weed a year and think nothing of it. Keep in mind I'm not DEMANDING anything. Just asking. Not begging. Just putting it out there. More, if the truth be told, to get some reasonably honest talk happening around what shit costs. and yeah. there had been a time when $5000 would have been enough, but that time was decades ago.
Unless you're rich or have a trust fund? yeah. it gets tough. I wish all my fellow travelers who are trying to make music some luck. It's what we love. We just want you to know HOW MUCH we love it.
Lol i bet its 40 grand cuz they wrote the album while in the studio.
songs were written BEFORE the studio. Even the guitar overdubs. and the piano. and the 16 piece orchestra.
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Yes! Love go fund me stories! This could be the best one yet