Post CommentBreakdowns so simple they haven't even written anything, yet they know they'll be ready for the studio in 2 months. Lol what a joke
the acacia strain to make more shitty music
this gets a back. good news day 'Deathcore' Jon
I like TAS and all but they need to stop embarrassing themselves with these records
Factored just won't stop until those fatal heart attacks hit.
It's Pat, it's Pat, is it a boy or a girl? It's Pat!
This is Shane from down in it, can I do guess vocals?
no DL, no care. youd think he'd be sick of being chad ruhlig's underpaid underling by now
Their shows are well attended and their sound hasn't changed much, so you pussies can stop crying and just apply your Monistat already. Coma With didn't do much for me, but Wormwood was just fine. So suck a bag of big, bleedy, AIDSey dcks, morons.
^^ Frankie from Emmure, hoping for guest vocals on the new album
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