Post Commenthope this band gets hammered in a wrongful death suit then all the indiegogo dollars and fundraising bullshit goes directly to the estranged family of the truck driver they fcking killed.
All of these bands are terrible. Notice how the article about buying shitty shirts with a lambgoat logo on them didn't have a link to leave comments. Bogus wimp website for wimp music. I bet you work for a catering company and have to cut beef in front of other grown ass men and serve it to them. Gay.
bleeding through and who...? complete shit lineup waste of time gay. poser hardcore, was wearing makeup and girl jeans a decade ago.
no FFDP, Shinedown, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, Hellyeah, Sixx A.M., Sevendust NO CARE
Has it ever been released as to who was at fault in the wreck? Don't they have ObamaCare or some shit?
Very happy to see the community continue to support one of their own in a difficult time. This should be a blast from the past.
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a dying dream eh? so tgi plays a benefit show tgi? ok
tHeS GuYs hAv 498 ,00 fB LiKeZ y nOt jUs gEt tHe fAnS 2 SeNd tHe cHeKs lIkE DaLlAs fRoM UnDeR OtHe / mAyLeNe n tHe sOn oF DiSaStEr It iS Me. GuNn 810 rEpErEsCeNt HeY GuYs i nEaD A MaNsHiOn cAn aNyOn gIvE SeNd mE A FeW $ PlAsE AnD ThAnK U MaNsHiNz n fLiNt r cHeEaP !!! SuM TiMeS ThE R UnDeR 20 k sO It sHuLdNt b a bIg dEl gayS yOu cAn mAiL ChEcKs tO: DaViD GiUnN C/O FlInT PuBlIcK LiBeRaReY FiNt mIcH
I've been jammin a lot of The Ghost Inside lately. Idk why...
^They owe $500,000 to Epiaph for a smashed tour bus. Nice try. That said - the hype for this band is real and the will persevere.
hope this band gets hammered in a wrongful death suit then all the indiegogo dollars and fundraising bullshit goes directly to the estranged family of the truck driver they fcking killed. Was it ever proven who was at fault? I certainly haven't read it anywhere. Also, the band wasn't driving their bus, you simpletons.
Pay your own bills, scumbags. The band's not organizing these, you retard.
how am i supposed to feel bad for these guys with that picture of them?
All comments are null after the first two. Right on the button.
None of you would be saying any of this if it happened to one of your own. MUCH respect to those making this show happen, and all of the haters who wish they were, and, as loved as The Ghost Inside.
also, wrongful death is a civil, not criminal suit, thus it wouldnt really have bearing if anyone had "declared fault" at the moment as the burden of proof is merely based on a preponderance of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. BUT YA KNOW
sweet they're gonna all make like 100K each from getting in a bus crash. hope they all get addicted to fentanyl and kick kick kick it
anonymous16 hours ago None of you would be saying any of this if it happened to one of your own. It has.
Congrats on thinking you're the only one that ever lost someone. Your empathy backfired, idiot
fck this band....did they die? No. A broken ankle? Suck it up pssy I hope vogel beats the singer up again Also I fully agree with the guy and the wrongful death suit
They were in a bus, you halfwit. And just saying, if the driver of the truck had fallen asleep, or drifted in the wrong lane, then there would be no grounds for a wrongful death suit, thus, "Was anyone ever proven to be at fault."
I am having flashbacks to when I was 15 and cyber-bulling randos in aim chatrooms...
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jesus it would have been less annoying if these dudes would have just all died. fck this prolonged fundraising bullshit because they cant drive. fck this stupid band