Post CommentThe beets will be on the Philly date replacing Hawthorne heights
Ohio is for Lovers is Doug's favorite song. Writes many diary posts to that hit.
promoters are gonna lose sooooooooooooo much loot.
Hawthorne heights have a gold record, a second that sold 500k and once played sheds. How the fck did they fall this far
Homo AD has to be the worst band around. I love me some 5'4 cheesy frontmen!!!!!!
Take all of these bands off this tour and it would be good enough to attend.
i heard from Skunky Beaumont (a reliable source) that The Beets are on this too
i'm currently am at work writing this. and I have terrible diarrhea. I've gone twice already. I don't think it's something I ate either. I just felt a cold sweat, and then it rocketed out
Dawson's creek samples, headset microphones, Seattle bartenders and people who sleep better in the dark are stoked
Wow. Nobody gives a fck. Get Doug on this then I'll care.
Could give a shit less about the openers. I just want to see FATA. Never got to see them.
Thank god for small miracles there's no NY date lol
They are having a wonderful time based on the picture.
Dear All Bands Ever, Stay dead after you break up. Thanks
I can't believe they headlined over Cave In and Every Time I Die. LASERS IN THE JUNGLE
marry fck kill from autumn to ashes, hawthorner heights, or doug funnie
anonymous4 days ago Homo AD has to be the worst band around. I love me some 5'4 cheesy frontmen!!!!!! permalink | report abuse Note how the people who use derogatory slang for gays, are the ones most concerned with the size of another male....strange.
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Emo bands and then a trashy band?