Post CommentProbably the worst song I've ever heargfos is ugly
god damnit why the fck did they have to go sing clean vocals. sounded good til he started singing like a queer. this album is going to suck shit if there is clean vocals. what a dissapointment
i think we can stop calling them technical now, lamb goat we can probably stop with the death metal part now, too
very promising.the fact that it pisses people off is even better.
I dug it until the cleans. What the fck VoM?!
Really sucks to see one of my favorite bands turn to shit.
Replace the growls and blast beats with autotune clean vocals... why why why do metal bands jump on trends and try to cash in? You are in a fcking metal band you literally chose the one career where there is no money and almost no one gives a shit. Veil of Maya will not become a profiting band based off of this new ultra gay music so why do it???
god damnit "why the fck did they have to go sing clean vocals. sounded good til he started singing like a queer. this album is going to suck shit if there is clean vocals. what a dissapointment" ^ Proof that late-term abortion should be legal.
Dammit why did they let this guy do clean vocals!? Sounds awful. Clean vocals + Veil of Maya = EPIC FAIL
They should of just let him scream not clean!
What was with all the asians in the video? And why would they choose to add singing that sounds like Periphery when that's the worst thing about Periphery. Oh well, I never really listened to them anyway, so I guess I'm not going to start now.
Dammit why did they let this guy do clean vocals!? Sounds awful. Clean vocals + Veil of Maya = EPIC FAIL completely second that. WTF!!! Atleast now i can save money on the album and any upcoming shows. This is a most incredible let down. #StopCleanVocals #FvckCleanVocals
god damnit "why the fck did they have to go sing clean vocals. sounded good til he started singing like a queer. this album is going to suck shit if there is clean vocals. what a dissapointment" ^ Proof that late-term abortion should be legal. ^ Proof that you enjoy sucking several c-cks at once
I wish VoM didn't want to be Periphery so bad. Cleans are only good when used sparingly, throughout songs and albums.
It was great up until the Periphery worship kicked in. The sad part is that this is better than Periphery, but they can't pass this off as Veil lol it's not right.
This singer can sing, death to bitch metal. This was q bigger decision on style. He's got the chords to do it all though his throat will blow out one day. Shit happens
waaaaaaa!!!waaaaaaaaaa!!! he is singing. waaaaaaa!! bunch of butthurt crybabies. go listen to another band then. these sumerian bands could really give a fck less about some whiny lambgoat bitches like you. -ash
Gotta keep in mind that all this peasants above love to be screamed at while they get butt fkd. Clean singing does not get them off so of course, they will be always talking shit. Do ya thing VOM
Band looks like they smell like Louie andersons tighty whiteys after a hatebreed pit!!!!!!!
waaaaaaa!!!waaaaaaaaaa!!! he is singing. waaaaaaa!! bunch of butthurt crybabies. go listen to another band then. these sumerian bands could really give a fck less about some whiny lambgoat bitches like you. -ash hey ash was it hard typing that with Jeffree Star's c-ck in your mouth?
Honestly on some real levels, I'm wondering if veil of maya just turned into periphery as after the burial turned into meshuggah. Don't get me wrong clean vocals are fine but the chorus sounds like it was taken straight out of a periphery song. I just hope the uncanny similarities end here.
Wonderful my main man, just wonderful! After the aids entered my body there was a period of rapid viral replication, leading to an abundance of aids in my peripheral blood. During primary infection, the level of HIV reached several million virus particles per milliliter of blood! Aids is slowly destroying my immune system so I have to get all the partying out of my system while I can! -ash
At the end of his movie you find out he got the aids big time from tom hanks
Hey fcking retards maybe they want to actually make some money playing music. Reach a wider variety of fans? Maybe they already did all growls and need a change. Maybe they are just getting older now. Don't like the clean vocals? Go start your own band and play whatever the fck you want. These guys have busted their asses on tour to go home and have to still work shit jobs. So go listen to shitty fckin whitechapel or job for a cowboy while sucking your mom's dcks?
Doesn't sound like periphery at all. Sounds like Erra though..... which is fine with me. I liked vom from the beginning and this is tight and well executed. Always glad to see bands go in new directions and still make it work.
hey ash was it hard typing that with Jeffree Star's c-ck in your mouth? Also has Lorenzo Antonucci's c-ck in his mouth. "WHAT NOW?"
This isn't even metal, sounds like periphery. Whine whine whine
Would still fck the shit out of Lukas. No care ever.
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RIP. Rest In Periphery.