Post CommentWho cares????????? These guys don't have any original members and poop on eachother whilst going to the next VFW hall to play in Arkansas.
Saw these guys on Warped Tour a few years back. Sissies, the lot of 'em.
shittiest fake, gay, crybaby hardcore band full of orange county trust fund dickheads criticizing "the system" that they exploit daily as over privileged white jerks. fck this band. shitty music, shitty fans, shitty dudes, shitty schtick, shitty live performance, shitty everything.
hopefully this band reads the comments on here, YOUS SUCKS
Guys, This gritty handdrawn cover will be sure to help us look like a Real Deal Hardcore™ Band.
Sumerian Records = real hardcore Acoustic radio mixes are stoked!
we're hardcore look at the hardcore guest vocalists we got for our new politically aimed hardcore cd. 10 minute rants between songs about the PMA are stoked
These stick to your guns dudes love bukkake. I went inside their "tour" vehicle which was one of their moms old Buick le barons, long story short they tried to toss my salad and take a dump on some freshly purchased KFC, the dumps flowed but only on their bass players cheek. I guessed he was gettin it from all angles.
It'll probably kick so much ass that you'll all go blind.
You can count on Avildsen's pseudo political bullshit inserts. Corny tinfoil rock/poser fake activism. Guess it makes people feel like they are effecting something.
Legit stoked for this album. STYG is sick and I'm seeing them at Keeping Warm to pass the time before Disobedient. Can't wait, guys. I have high hopes, please don't be a let down!
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Firin' blanks and beddin' skanks.