NewsOctober 23, 2014 8:40 AM ET3,670 views

Rings Of Saturn: We aren't performing new songs

Rings Of Saturn have taken to Facebook to explain why they are not playing any material from their new album during their current tour with As Blood Runs Black. Here you go:
"It's not a very well known fact, but every member of our band lives in a different state in the U.S. And because of the distance and conflicting schedules between everyone, we actually haven't had ANY time at all to practice the new songs as a band in a full band setting. We didn't want people coming out to the shows expecting to hear new material and being disappointed so we wanted to let everyone know that we will not be playing any new songs on this next month and a half long run with ABRB and Mexico. Sorry to disappoint those who were looking forward to that but we still encourage everyone to come out and support all the bands. We also will be carrying the new CD and merch for those of you who would like to get it from us in person. Thanks for being understanding, we plan on playing a bunch of new material on future tours."


Post Comment

anonymous 10/23/2014 6:14:58 AM

no time to practice flip

anonymous 10/23/2014 9:36:20 AM

Nobody cares what songs you play.

anonymous 10/23/2014 9:42:15 AM

Is there not one real musician in the band that can pick up a song on the fly let alone the several months of writing and recording? Or is it because you haven't had the chance to choreograph over the back tracking?

anonymous 10/23/2014 9:56:58 AM

Midi's and GPX files are NOT STOKED!

anonymous 10/23/2014 10:32:14 AM

the disadvantages of using fake drums....

anonymous 10/23/2014 1:10:34 PM

i'm always upset when bands don't play their new material that no one has heard before..

anonymous 10/23/2014 1:52:04 PM

Translation: We don't know how to play these songs.

anonymous 10/25/2014 9:50:51 AM

Is there not one real musician in the band that can pick up a song on the fly let alone the several months of writing and recording? Or is it because you haven't had the chance to choreograph over the back tracking?<<<<<-----

anonymous 10/26/2014 8:23:03 PM

god what a talentless shit band

anonymous 11/1/2014 4:31:55 PM

talk all the shit you want. this band is doing something worth watching

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