Post CommentMakes sense......Why would a shitty band want to tour with shitty bands.
They should replace Marduk with Jesse and the Rippers.
I remember seeing Deicide at my friends very, very small venue back in 2002(or 03).......they got there, and 3 songs into their set, the bassist and guitarist broke the necks off their guitars in a mid stage collision. Then the singer jumps into the "pit" and dislocates both arms 5 minutes later. It was awful.
IMO Deicide made a comeback with their last album. Love their new clean vocalist as well. http://www.merchconnection inc.com/deicide/In_The_Min ds_Of_Evil/Ltd-_Edition_Bo x_Set
Deicide are millionaires. Literally. They all own Florida beachfront mansions.
Deicides bass players my cousin! He didnt tell me he was in the band til like 3 months ago. I was like: o wha?!?!?!
above post not long ago Glenn Benton was still driving around tampa in a pinto seriously doubt hes a millionaire
Glen knocked me the fck out at one of their shows in 2002...I kept running backstage he goes "I said if you come back here one more time I'm gonna snap your fckin neck"...good times.
Their last album would've been so much better without the cleans
Steve, I live in Tampa, and I could use some help with my feet. Whats will it take to get a lesson or 2?
^He's not that good. The only reason he's as good as he is so good is because he has like 5 grand set sitting in front of him with like 7 $300 cymbals around him....
last time i played Legion in my mustang, while full blast, and holy fck it made me yell at people walking on the sidewalk
Last time I watched Deicide all I kept thinking was why did Glenn he highlight his hair?
Glenns soul is in agony and all you can think about is his highlights? how pathetic.
Glenn's net worth was $1.8million at one point--trust me he wasn't driving ft laud in a Pinto--nice try.
And big deal about his highlights everyone in music has them--they cost money--he can certainly afford it.
blazed some chronic budd with thses deicide fools hahah
to save $$ instead of getting motel Deicide spent the night in my friends house in Fresno and trashed it
they stayed the WHOLE weekend with at my buddies and wouldn't leave and ate all the food and asked for $20 and helicopter rides over fresno..
the deicide retards wanted like $3,000 for like 45mins or $3500 for a full hr heli ride over fres the guys were complaining about only 15 peep showd up they made next to nothing about $200 worth of bud was missing we noticed when they finally left :/
Deicide played Austin last year at Club Infest. Those guys are broke as shit. They were using Disgorge's backline because "they didn't want to bring their's on tour." Their "tour bus" was some old RV from the 70s that was mostly rust at this point. Of course, Deicide still has plenty of money for booze and meth.
all you hear about is Glen punching people lights out he takes out his frustration on people who he knows are cooler than him because in his fckt up mind its his only way of getting even with them for out shining his broke ass . mansions on the florida beach?MY ASS .
the poorness of Deicide Makes me sick to my stomach
I was outside after deicide played in Vegas one of em found a credit card said "i'll turn it to lost and found" smirked they rolled out minutes later
Based on what I am reading from the arm chair warriors here, you'd think Deicide was still making $80 per show.
^^trust me if they were making 80/show for them it would be like hitting the powerball
They are poor. They've been seen on tour sleeping in a bush probably getting high and turning tricks, while other bands on the package slept in a motel, counting how much they made that night usually $600.
the tour is happening. i got my tickets for all the shows. you stupid fcks
Satan hasn't paid the bills since the late 90s
someone up there needs to find out what net worth actually means
Deicide stayed at my friends house a couple years back and he went to the kitchen to grab a soda and walked in on the entire band having sex with each other and it was gay and they drank all his before the sex and he mad about it for a while.
I heard slayer was replacing Marduk on the tour and playing first #rainingbooze
Is it Only Me That Both Bands Suck.Specially Marduk.Deicide Has Fame And Money.And Marduk Needs Deicide$.I Can't Stand These Scandinavian Ego Bands.I Miss The Old Days Of Gorefest,Sinister,Aphyx.Mo rgoth.There Is No Bands Like This Anymore.
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wondering if theyll find a different band to replace marduk or if theyll just go on with septicflesh and carach?