NewsApril 9, 2014 3:18 PM ET14,968 views

As I Lay Dying members: statement wasn't from us

The statement released this morning purportedly from the As I Lay Dying camp was apparently written and released by a party (seemingly vocalist Tim Lambesis) other than members Jordan Mancino, Phil Sgrosso, Nick Hipa, and Josh Gilbert. The foursome has subsequently taken to Facebook to express some dismay with the statement, particularly the part in which the singer of their new project was unceremoniously revealed. Here's what they had to say:
"This morning an update was posted over at on the current happenings and individual futures of all of the band's members. For Jordan, Josh, Nick, Phil, management, and record label, this was an interesting first time read as all parties were oblivious to its construction, intent, and release. "Though Tim is the only one with access to the As I Lay Dying site, the rest of us have been releasing content through our personal social media accounts to reveal that we are carrying on in a new band. Our truest intentions were to make this unveiling interesting and exciting for anyone who has supported us over the past year. With information so instantaneous and disposable these days, we had hoped to show you how things were coming together rather than simply tell you. "We never want to capture attention dramatically, which is precisely why we've been off the radar for close to a year. Though the third-person statement released earlier compromises a lot of how we had hoped to unroll things, we remain positive in our outlooks and look forward to sharing new music soon. "With love and gratitude, Jordan Josh, Phil, Nick."


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anonymous 4/9/2014 12:32:46 PM

So he's fcked his band mates....again. Good lord what a douche. You know, I supported that dude and hoped for the best outcome but I have lost all respect. Tim I know you will see this (any member in any band that says they don't look at lambgoat is a liar) and I gotta say man, you fcked up dude. You turned your back on your friends and the few fans you had left to stand behind you. Best of luck dude.

anonymous 4/9/2014 12:54:02 PM

this just in, steroid abusing fckboy is a douchebag. more at 10.

anonymous 4/9/2014 12:54:57 PM

lambesis flip

OrgCore 4/9/2014 12:57:32 PM

Yup, Tim wrote it.

h0tdack 4/9/2014 1:05:16 PM

of course tim lambpenis wrote it, the naive optimism where he thinks he "wont be locked up forever" gave him away. anybody else knows he is as good as dead

anonymous 4/9/2014 1:18:30 PM

So I guess Tim has internet access and isn't benching the judge like he should be.

anonymous 4/9/2014 1:26:32 PM

This band is a complete joke.

anonymous 4/9/2014 1:45:01 PM

Didn't read. Nobody cares.

anonymous 4/9/2014 2:31:22 PM

Nobody needs a big dramatic unveiling of a replacement vocalist. Just fckn say who it is and make shit happen.

Snoopy2 4/9/2014 2:48:16 PM

It took four guys to write two short and concise paragraphs that hit the point and is easy to read. And it took one redundant jerk to write 80 paragraphs that nobody will read.

h0tdack 4/9/2014 3:08:46 PM

Jordan Josh is stoked, commas are not stoked

anonymous 4/9/2014 3:11:30 PM


anonymous 4/9/2014 3:55:07 PM

Jordan Josh is stoked, commas are not stoked Hahahahaha

Mitt__Romney 4/9/2014 4:03:52 PM

I would say it was God, but its too busy not existing...

anonymous 4/9/2014 4:25:35 PM

Alex Mccormick is bummed, but still hardcore.

anonymous 4/9/2014 4:26:10 PM

JOIN ME!!!! IM A DEATH METAL LEGEND \m/ Hopefully starting something new soon, I want it to be a cross between early Dismember meets early In Flames, with a hint of Dimmu, Puritanical-era sound. HIT ME UP IF YOU DARE --- Chad J. Fjerstad

anonymous 4/9/2014 5:58:44 PM

"You know, I supported that dude and hoped for the best outcome but I have lost all respect." So you're ok with conspiracy to murder, but blog-crimes are what broke the camels back? I like you. You're crazy, but I like you.

anonymous 4/9/2014 6:12:00 PM

(?°?°)?? ???

anonymous 4/9/2014 6:40:59 PM

this is just tim pretending not to be tim in order to make the first statement look like tim (I have to admit I don't know if the first statement was in fact tim (but this one is def. tim)) like, tomorrow we'll get another 'statement' from the band claiming they didn't write this one, and had nothing to do with trying to kill Tim's wife

anonymous 4/9/2014 8:08:17 PM

fck off with that praise Jesus bullshit.

anonymous 4/9/2014 8:27:25 PM

So Lambesis effectively DeFonced AILD. word.

anonymous 4/9/2014 10:29:38 PM


anonymous 4/9/2014 11:49:40 PM

Ken Susi and Frankie Palmeri both sucking on Barack Obama's dck!

anonymous 4/10/2014 2:37:48 AM

I don't get it; is this guy locked up yet and if so how does have access to the internet to cause drama? What is this Goodfellas where they have 5 course dinners and all the guards are on the take?

anonymous 4/10/2014 6:56:00 AM

Tim's gonna post on now that this statement wasn't made by the band and actually originated from Scott Vogel...somehow....

anonymous 4/10/2014 7:58:31 AM

all these statements are from tim's wife someone should pay to have the bitch killed

SuckMeBeautiful 4/10/2014 9:38:49 AM

"As I Lay Dying Issues Statement....." "As I Lay Dying: Statement Wasn't From Us."

anonymous 4/10/2014 6:57:15 PM

Did he benchpress the judge?

anonymous 4/10/2014 11:17:58 PM


anonymous 4/11/2014 7:44:21 PM


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