Post CommentPeople listing shitty bands that are stoked are stoked.
anybody doing vocals other than Rey would sound corny as fck. yeah, go ahead and rap about your dead daddy, no name fake Rey
Empower, can't slip Can't slip, can't be slippin' Empower, come alive Come alive, come alive Empower, positive REY IS BACK DOWNSET FOR LIFE SINCE 92
Was stoked to see this band on the Check Your People tour in 2000. I was disappointed. The other bands sucked(Slaves on Dope, Primer 55,and Soulfly). Rey put more energy into the one song he performed with Soulfly than he did his own set.
Fear Factory is stoked. Also, not getting jokes is stoked.
there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,there should be no versions of this band,i could not have worded it better myself.
I have a Downset demo tape I got for free after their set at Ozzfest. I should sell it on Ebay for many hardcore dollars.
If Harley ain't stabbing someone, I don't care
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liferuiner is stoked