Post CommentI haven't heard anything from them since 2008 MAYBE 2009. They drooped off the face of the earth
looks like their fans will have to look to one of the other hundreds of uninspired, generic deathcore bullshit for half-assed death metal riffs and dumb breakdowns.
new Emmure album in the works, and now this? Best news day ever!
Rob Walden finally took the dick out of his ass and is placing the guitar in it. Thank god. Exotype should break up too.
success of other projects?? are you fcking kidding me?
their new project: https://www.facebook.com/E XOTYPEmusic i don't even have to listen to this band to know that it sucks a pile of c-ck. all i have to do is look at that extraordinarily gaygy picture of them on their page. hope they all die in a fire.
wow. fck you, lambgoat. you changed f a g to "gay" so now i have to put spaces between each letter like some hyper-typing gay.
I wonder why gay and fck are not coming out clearly on lambgoat anymore.
"due to successes of other projects " HAHAHAHA
Right on! Lambgoat i praise you for getting rid of the hate speech
fck motherfck hahaha f u ck f u c k guys I think I got around the f u c k i n g filter ahahahaha hope I dont look stupid
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