Post CommentChief Keef/Islander/Backtrack tour in 2014.
Islander is taking notes on how to get a fanbase
"and pretty much every notable hardcore band you can think of." Keep suckin that dck man.
This band is about 25 years too late with their style, name and bad guitar riffs.
still reminds me of madball, much like incendiary is this generations' indecision, backtrack is this generations' madball. it's not bad at all, I just cannot get into it, so if you love madball, here is your new favorite band.
backtrack is this generations' madball ^^^^^ This bullshit sounds like Justin Bieber fronting a Madball cover band that's playing a Hooters in the Florida panhandle.
Band can do no wrong. Conversely, Nick Jett needs to stop talking like a wigger.
Ska-Punk kids pretending to be hard. Bunhca dumdums.
How do they have a record deal? Is it that easy?
Oh, I get it. This is a madball cover band!
Fat kids with snap backs from Lon guyland are stoked Fat kids that live in ct but like New York sports teams are stoked Fat kids that like mid tempo recycled bullshit are stoked Old dudes that are terrible at producing are stoked Srsly. How does a drummer produce such awful fcking drums?
anonymous 45 minutes ago How do they have a record deal? Is it that easy? in hardcore, cred matters way more than originality. Notice how the release doesn't make any mention at all of what the band sounds like, just reiterates the established bands they're tight with and the shitholes they've been to.
I don't remember the gays spinning around and jump-punching in my bastufft?
This isn't remotely close to Madball. If Scott Vogel got his nuts chopped off and sucked helium out of a balloon and screamed for Terror- it'd sound like this.
this bans is so overrated... they are trend hopping kids. The indian guitarist used to be a pop punk kid back in the day.
yeah...every bastufft... for 1200$ plus a backend deal and 450 red skittles in a crystal punch bowl
LIFE IS HARD!! I STRUGGLE!! CANT GET OUT!! HATE!! so tired of boring suburban kids
guys who wish they were active in 95 are stoked.
Band is good, backed hard. Honestly, they just jock Breakdown's style and get away with it. This generations Indecision is Foundation but nice try dude.
lmao have you ever listened to breakdown? either you don't have ears or you have never heard them, cause backtrack sounds nothing like them this song and almost all of DH is d o g s h i t i wish bands would stop succumbing to the pressure of labels makin them feel like they need to do LPs. its just not realistic, there are maybe 5-10 GOOD hc LPs ever, stick to 7"s pls nick jett is the cancer to hc, the more records he makes, the sadder i become
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Comments on this should be great. Do not disappoint me guys. I want to know who exactly is stoked.