Post CommentGlen Benton should have killed himself years ago. Inspiring track titles, can really tell that this is going to be very different to all their past efforts.
Illustrious career? Ha! Illustrious implies an arrogant and self-righteous sense of nobility. Deicide is notorious and infamous. Glen Benton is a mean, angry, and enjoyably entertaining cantankerous balding old man. Whomever wrote this "official" press release should be punched in the head for not utilizing the simple website dictionary.com -MfB (far from anonymous)
Godkill? Really? Must have taken Glen hours of rubbing his forehead to come up with that one.
50 year olds who masturbate to pictures if satan are stoked. fck this band
More psyched for Benton's Christian rock side project dropping later this year
I'd rather take a shit than listen to this album. This band is fcking terrible.
Weenies who try to look bad by listening to Satan music are stooked!
Bonus cuts: "Who Farted? God Did," "Letting the Air Out of Jesus' Tires," "Putting Shaving Cream In Christ's Hand While He's Asleep Then Totally Tickling His Nose With a Feather."
This x 1,000,000 Bonus cuts: "Who Farted? God Did," "Letting the Air Out of Jesus' Tires," "Putting Shaving Cream In Christ's Hand While He's Asleep Then Totally Tickling His Nose With a Feather."
Is this that band that opened for Suicide Silenz and Acahsha Strainz co headline tourz? Lolz what's up with 21 and over showz, me and my GF can't get into any of them Lelz
I remember when writing a 40 minute album about shit you didn't believe in was cool. And that was never. Godflip x's 1000. fck this band.
Didn't the gay singer of this gay band brand his own forehead with an upside down crucifix!? What a fcking chode, I swear this band only exists as a result of his pent up anger from being bullied at high school
all commenters so far weren't even alive when this band formed. new deicide album>all deathcore ever "written", and i don't even listen to anything but legion
can't wait. each album, post-hoffmans, is better than the last.
I'll go ahead and be one of the few to leave a positive comment to this article. Their material has been pretty hit or miss for me, but I'll be looking forward to hearing whatever the "single" will be.
Tim Lambesis, The Devil Wears Prada and right-side up crosses are not stoked.
Most of these posters are just angry because Benton makes fun of their invisible genocidal slavery loving sky daddy. The first few Deicide albums are death metal classics and the last few Deicide albums are as brutal and complex as the entire pseudo-metal death core genre. Ignoring Benton's sophomoric war with a nonexistent deity and you have one of the greatest American death metal bands. At least Deicide hasn't jumped the shark like Morbid Angel did with their death-rap.
damn! all the negative comments must be coming from stupid little c*nts that dont know shit about metal.now go suck your mama's tranny dck
have heard the demos. The guys have incorporated dub-step to appeal to a wider audience of christ bashing gayronians
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I don't give a shit. I'm in FSU. That my crew.