Post Commenti guess its good to see Sumerian branching out from i see stars and asking alexandria but this shit is just as bad.
ten other bands are mentioned in this press release.
Ash... You are a fcking moron. PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE THIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Why can nobody see? Why? Just why?
kindred had a split with culture back in the day. culture definitely won, if it was a contest, but kindred held their own... now who are these kids??
yeah i heard he screws around with 13 year old girls lol
Lore by Today I Caught the Plague is one of the best CDs I have ever purchased. Very pumped for this album. Talented dudes
TICTP deserve this. Hardworking Canadian band. Congrats Mike!
these guys wanna be periphery and their bassist is a rapist for sure.
This is so bad I expected Lambgoat to actually like it.
"TICTP deserve this. Hardworking Canadian band. Congrats Mike!" Hardworking Canadians......... ... ... ... .. .. . . .
stop bashing eric. he's a good guy, and the 13 year old lied about her age and is a slut anyway.
So he did bang a 13 year old!? Lol, 13 is young, he must've at least had an inkling she was underage
lol bassists are always rapists. i'm sure he knew she was 13. i mean the fact she never got the rag must've tipped him off
Took over ten seconds to get past the intro, too long; didn't listen
You're all just mad Eric fcked all of your girlfriends, that's why I hate him. He fcked my girlfriend, he fcked her while I watched and cried. but i kept dating her. We are trying to make it work.I'm sad.
anonymous 4 days ago ten other bands are mentioned in this press release.
They dropped Enfold Darkness the same day - Only band on there that had any kind of metal.
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