Post CommentJohnny Craig's slightly used laptop business is back baby!
It was Tim Lambesis. He needs money for another hit.
should've asked the mugger to hold on a sec while you call the police.
anonymous 40 minutes ago it was probably tony brummel THIS.
What kind of gay walks around with an Ipad and an Iphone??
that sucks man, it was a nice statement he made about people just buying stuff from his bandcamp and thanking them instead of a kickstarter/etc. hope the best for this awesome guy.
"Also my medicine for intense medical treatments." AKA la cocaína
Harley Flannigan was then seen at a pawn shop selling an Ipad and Iphone...
fcked up crooked teeth are stoked.....this guy is "fashionably poor" for the hipster scene cred. What a period drinker.
yo Tyler Dennen's mom gives the best head. i'm thinking about going jewish, becoming a rhabbi, and giving tyler a little brother
Trying to think of a band that tips of Thursday but they were never good enough
They stripped me naked had me lift my ball sack up so they could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my ass cheeks apart so they could look inside my jerk.
It was Jonny Craig in a heroin-fueled craze movin' on up to Ishit
Does anybody care any more about music? This is gayshit. He Is Legend singer and fat guitar player sucked a sageas dck in chinquapin, North Carolina. Lol at everyone that's a gay
this is awesome! also that stuff about rent money in cash is a lie. it's well documented that geoff doesn't pay rent for apartments he lives in. still owes people for rent from years ago. this guy is a loser.
I would never carry an NYC-rent amount of cash for any reason.
anyone could have robbed this gay with a water pistol
fck you pssy. Rich whiteboys lose shit all the time, why the fck do you deserve to get people to pay for your "necessities"? And if you live paycheck to paycheck, that means you should be fine in 2 weeks. And no way in hell somebody robbed you of your meds. STOP LOOKING LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL AND YOU'LL STOP GETTING ROBBED.
give me the fcking iPad, iPhone, passport, wallet, cards, rent money in cash (long story), fcking c-ck sucking motherfckerrrrrrrr-aaahhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
You don't need a passport to go Chinatown, why the fck are you walking around with your passport in NY?
At least the mugger didn't take the bag of jewels.
I don't want to ask you guys for money... ...but let me just point out where you can go to give me money.
fake history. the thief gets all this stuff from thursday's pssy singer sucking her c-ck and swallowing all the cream. i spell all my money in tranny hookers, i'm going to start a crowdfunding.
give me the fcking iPad, iPhone, passport, wallet, cards, rent money in cash (long story), fcking c-ck sucking motherfckerrrrrrrr-aaahhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! give me the iPad, iPhone, passport, wallet cards, and rent money in cash (long story) wat da fuuuck?
damn thugs stealing his rectal bleeding meds. better wear a diaper for now on gay!
Wow, it really is war all the time out there. I bet his credit rating will undergo full collapse. I wonder if the mugger was a jet black guy.
That's why I never hang out at gunpoint, people always get robbed.
This is a pretty damn humble statement. He never mentioned he was poor btw. Illiterate fcks can gtfo.
I was shorted four bucks change from Walmart earlier.... Kickstart a nurga some bread you gaygitz.
How about everyone top being buttheads and be nice?
it was either a black guy or a wanna-be muscle-man lead singer with gay tattoos and a grudge from San Diego out on bail. You make the call.
Run up on a sagea wit da gat like BLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYTTTT T
This song is brought to you by an armed robbery
How did he get robbed at gunpoint in NYC? I thought they had really strict gun laws...
"How about everyone top being buttheads and be nice?' We would, except Geoff is an delusional and entitled jerk as well as a liar who rips people off, so we are glad he got what he deserved. Also, he chose to make this information public in a plea for attention/money, so fck that guy.
If he was sitting a van in Montreal he could've gone all the way
I feel bad for the mugger. That fcker was the one robbed. The singer can floss his gap with my dck
You don't need a passport to go Chinatown, why the fck are you walking around with your passport in NY? He was clearly wandering the streets with a man purse aka leftover Thursday messenger bag circa 2001
You guys are all complete retarded fcks. Just because someone has nice things like an iPhone or an iPad doesn't make them any less frugal than the rest of us. He probably saved his money by and by for that and you guys go around and act like he's some rich boy. Get over yourselves gays.
More proof that euro's are six years behind 'merica
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