Post Comment^^^Apparently hangs over both Devin & Vince's nuts on Instagram
that kid at 3 minutes in was way to over qualified
"fck this band, this band sucks, oceano sucks, fck this band fck this band fck this band, this band is gay, gays, suck my dck gays, fck you guys, fck this band" There, I saved all of you some time.
news in short: dude leaves acacia strain, joins the acacia strain
stoked for kasper, otherwise farts in their general direction.
I'm sure they can grab any bum off the street to play tritone breakdowns over and over
Fried chicken and watermelon eaters are stoked
This drummer sucks so fcking bad and is such a gay,, I can't believe I'm even commenting this, fck this wigger/esage band
Uneduacated pssys who repeatedly say the exact same phrases each and every LambGoat post Loves this shit badly. Because it only easy and hilarious saying complete and utterly stupid fcking remarks about dudes having bigger dcks than YOUR dcks. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!! sageAAAA!!!!!!!! gays
8 weeks to write this crap? how many patterns are there really for plucking the top string of a guitar?
What's even more painful than listening to oceano's music is listening to them try to be funny.
Band members who anonymously comment their own news defending themselves and trying to correct insults are stoked. Also, danny turchin is a gay and stoked on coming out of the closet
The singer of this band is the worst smelling black piece of shit ever, and supposedly has the 2nd smallest penis in the band under the drummer, gotta love whn bitches tell the untold, shldnt burn people jerks
If he didn't smell so much like a nappy asshair afro I would, unfortunately I'd projectile vomit I'm his face from the reak
vocalist sounds sick as fck.... thats about it
Who would win the belly war? Devin or Michael? I think Devin would eat him in one gulp--like a snake.
This entire band should stop. No replacement needed
Coonchapel replaces guitarist. The smartest thing he has done in awhile
Might be joining the Acacia Strain, back to being a dumbass.
Lol @ coonchapel. Guitaristflip. No care ever, that saying should come back. These gays should use more than one string.
Oceano is dope, they should tour with No Zodiac. that would be such a heavy fcking tour.
chug chug chug chug! and that kids is how you get to join a shit band that you will eventually leave to join another shit band.
This drummer posts nonstop photos of himself and the dumbest gayest shit, this is my new cute puppy, this is my new haircut, look at all the different duck faces I can make photo, THIS IS HOW GAY I AM.
was anyone else wishing it was the short gay gutiarist who wore a "pure hate" shirt for 3 years in a row thinking it was sweet? get in your first real fight, gay. then start trying to act mean. gay alert!!!!! ---- you guys are old news and only 15 year old kids who are jerking off in their sheets listen to oceano
This drummer posts nonstop photos of himself and the dumbest gayest shit, this is my new cute puppy, this is my new haircut, look at all the different duck faces I can make photo, THIS IS HOW GAY I AM. ^^^^^HAHAHAHA^^^^^^ Truth
they should replace their brains with bullets
this is actually hysterical. in all seriousness i bet this is how the tryout went...
All ya'll hatin on Kasper can strait up kick rocks, you think you can sit behind a message board and talk shit about him and his belly, yall are pieces of sh*t and dont know who your talking about, he is a phenominal guitarist and person, and you cant stand up to the position he has, yours truly A$AP-trillwave
Yo my nakka, this nakka aint trill. Catch my chess meltin bulliss. And stop using the word yall, you sound like a southern fried hick dck-intake unit. Its pronounced Chall nakka. Trill-Unit.
I love Oceano. But if that brief audio at the end of the video is one of the final productions, I'm gonna be pissed. Sounded pretty bad. Not material-wise, but production-wise.
half of the midwest has been a member of oceano at one point or another.
Related News

Devin joined The Acacia Strain. Vince hangs all over his nuts on Instagram.