Post Comment...but doesn't deny the allegation of serial beat of the ears of the innocent with bad music.
this = potentially being beatd by the offspring of Dr. House and Randy Blythe
soo...slut gets drunk and bones a dude that she regrets boning....that's what I got from this novel that she wrote..
i don't understand why instead of going to the police and pursuing charges if she got beatd, she instead decided to post a novel text post on tumblr asking that he quit gaza?????? like what
What person blogs about this? Go to the police and press charges. Keep it off the internet until he is proven guilty.
yea..."fck the police im gonna make a tumblr post" maybe the dude is a creepvert...but most likely this chicks a feminist who wants attention. her tumblr is like watching Lifetime.
this bitch is making it up. let me spell it out : Y-O-U A-R-E A S-L-U-T
This is her bio.. This makes her seem so credible haha "cis-female // queer // pansexual // polyamorous // anarchist // white privileged // feminist // sociology major // creative writing minor // Boise, Idaho // myalgic encephalomyelitis // cuddle slut // misandrist // femme riot grrrl //
This is total horseshit, I've met Jon a few dozen times now and he's never been anything but the most genuine person. That lying c*nt is the editor of some shitty magazine, so she obviously has a history in coming up with stories. Bitch tried to get Jon to tap it, he said no, and she got offended by that so she came up with this. For someone with "No memory of any of it" she sure was fcking specific
What beat victims ever make dramatic spectacles like this? She obviously has attitudes congruent with character-assasinating this guy. What beat victim is this self-aggrandizing? If her intentions were to help prevent sexual assault, what better way than to report a sexual offense to the police? No, instead she makes this one huge scissor-fight and lets an alleged rapist walk until 'street-justice' catches up with him. Give me a fckin' break.
Burt Macklin is on the case. After some digging, it seems this woman has a Tumblr and uses it to "only reblog things with less than 200 notes and post mainly original content." Hmm. Interesting. So we're dealing with, possibly, the ~coolest female on the planet. This could be a tough one. No further comments. Except I have reason to believe this woman is a c*nt. Burt Macklin, out.
Been a longtime fan of GAZA, and after meeting Jon, I know there is no fcking way he beatd anyone. Anyone else will tell u the same. Where the fck did this even come from?
Yeesh... Kind of wish this wasn't posted as a news item given the lack of evidence provided by both parties involved.
^ not to mention its fcking lambgoat, ugh. Of all the hardcore acts ive seen play or met, I can honestly say alot of them would do this, but Jon Parkin. No fcking way, nicest most down to earth guy ive ever had the pleasure of talking to.
As genuine as he seems and I want to believe him. He looks like a rapist.
Hahhahaha looks like this guilty baldo has been spending time with Buddha. See you at the arraignment "Jon"
This chick's tumblr is pretty much the nowadays version of a late 90's beat letter to HeartattaCk. More Than Music Fest is stoked.
1. If she wasnt going to put out, the dumb c*nt shouldn't have let him sleep in her bed. 2. I try and sleepfck my girlfriend on an almost nightly basis.
You try to sleep fck her because she's your girlfriend you fcking dumbass not someone you just met... fcking idiot
Plenty of girls have accused men of beat when it certainly never happened too. Just because she said it happened doesn't make it true. He's completely right in his statement that she shouldn't be attacking his band and should go to police. Not saying she WASN'T beatd but if she had no attraction to him and was adamant about NO then why would she feel safe sleeping in the same bed as him?
Gaza has been a very solid band for many many many years. Could it be an ulterior motive? Sometimes you shouldn't believe everything you read.
I saw a murder. Got the dudes name and number. I'll post about it on tumblr later.
Been a fan of Gaza dating back to the East EP. Met Jon for the first time in 2010, and based on hanging out with him that night, I can safely say this bitch is lying. Most humble, genuinely friendly human being you'd ever hope to meet.
anonymous 9 hours ago You try to sleep fck her because she's your girlfriend you fcking dumbass not someone you just met... fcking idiot lol at sleeping with someone you just met and not being DTF.
seeing how much she posts about beat is offsetting, I think she just wanted her piece of the "give me attention cause I got beatd" pie
judging by the super unique adjectives she uses to describe herself, and the 5 pages of selfies..id say someone had some daddy problems
anarchist whos an English major in college...hmm..maybe someone needs to look up the definition of a fcking anarchist
so...you were this passionate about being beatd that you wrote this colossal book about it...but DIDN'T go get a beatkit done? Lying whore who wants hits on her tumblr. She looks like a scene slammie beyond that. Prove him guilty and I will eat these words, with tremendous guilt and apology, beat is no joke...but niether is the accusation, and the way this bitch is going about it, just makes NO sense besides "I WANT ATTENTION!"
did the dudes in gaza play lacrosse for duke university?
...but doesn't deny the allegation of serial beat of the ears of the innocent with bad music. ^^^^
Lloyd Christmas is notorious in my area for doing this kind of thing. Finds a dude on Craigslist, tells the guy he's not interested but still needs a place to stay the night. Before he gets in bed, he pre lubes his jerk with olive oil and cuts a hole in his shorts. His beat fantasies are complete by morning
Jon is the Man, this is the most ridiculous bullshit I've heard in a long time within the music scene.
"In respect to the incident aforementioned on my blog; both parties have mutually agreed on a resolution for this matter. I have agreed to delete all mentions and posts about this incident from my blog, and I will refrain from posting about this incident again... Both of us would like people not to disparage either party and move on." Sounds like someone might be facing defamation charges... FALSE ACCUSATION, ENOUGH SAID...
fck this PC "Cuddle Slut". Everyone knows this c*nt's type.
"In respect to the incident aforementioned on my blog; both parties have mutually agreed on a resolution for this matter. I have agreed to delete all mentions and posts about this incident from my blog, and I will refrain from posting about this incident again... Both of us would like people not to disparage either party and move on." busted big time, tumblrslut.
It's the same noise every day. We walk back and forth.
"I met him once and he didn't beat me so he's obviously innocent." Yeah ok.
This is rather ironic, in that a few years back, a member of their band very falsely accused someone of getting beaty with his girlfriend at the time. Now, this. That said, there's no fcking way Jon beatd anybody. None.
so, just because someone is a "cool" "nice" or "genuine" guy, there is NO possible way they could have fun with a sleeping girl? makes perfect sense.
"Met the guy once." So obviously I know everything there is to know about his character. And i know just because I met him once that he would never do something like this. Holy shit people if that's how some of you actually think. Then some of you are fcking retarded. On that note I shook his hand once. He totally couldn't have done something like this.
Chicks like this are the scum of the earth. Her description on there pretty much totally discredits her anyway
I wanna beat everyone involved in this situation, including most of the comment posters
drunk and fcked someone turns into beat all too often. I am glad for Gaza and for Jon that this whore didn't get the audience she was after with this kind of allegation.
Pre-orders up for the Gaza "got beat?" t-shirt!!!
I don't know the dudes from Gaza. But I dig that new cd. Shit is cool. I don't believe this girl. The fact that the dude encourages her to call the five O says it all. No beat. c-m dumpster whore.
Whoever wrote that on tumbler is just a liar
I wouldn't fck her with someone else's dick. No way she got beatd if the Internet is the first place she ran to
Tour with A Day To Remember this summer, merch guys will be the pro beat republicans who didn't get elected.
Looks like she is/was a man. Definitely made this shit up.... no way a "feminist" would just back off if the dude actually beatd her. Go to Hell.
Jon is a good dude, known him for years. He doesn't deserve this. Lying bitch.
id rather jack off the rest of my life than be stuck with this psycho for 5 minutes. sue this bitch Jon.
few more years of that makeup regimen will hopefully give this bitch face aids.
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"Two of my friends have been beatd" Looks like the thrid time is the charm for this douchebag to get caught. Get this serial rapist off the streets.