were this passionate about being beatd that you wrote this colossal book about it...but DIDN'T go get a beatkit done?
Lying whore who wants hits on her tumblr. She looks like a scene slammie beyond that. Prove him guilty and I will eat these words, with tremendous guilt and apology, beat is no joke...but niether is the accusation, and the way this bitch is going about it, just makes NO sense besides "I WANT ATTENTION!" were this passionate about being beatd that you wrote this colossal book about it...but DIDN'T go get a beatkit done? Lying whore who wants hits on her tumblr. She looks like a scene slammie beyond that. Prove him guilty and I will eat these words, with tremendous guilt and apology, beat is no joke...but niether is the accusation, and the way this bitch is going about it, just makes NO sense besides "I WANT ATTENTION!"