NewsNovember 30, 2012 2:43 PM ET9,666 views

The World We Knew breaks up

Long Island, NY metal/hardcore band The World We Knew is breaking up after roughly eight years together. The group will embark upon one final tour in February before disbanding for good. Vocalist Frank Fanelli has issued the following video statement:


Post Comment

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:50:22 AM

Finally lost all ten of their fans they had left from MySpace?

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:50:52 AM

Bummer man

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:50:59 AM

I remember seeing this band once when they toured with Betrayal, all I remembered was the drummer being scary looking.

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:54:48 AM

The Band I Didn't Know.

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:55:48 AM


anonymous 11/30/2012 11:56:27 AM

"go out with a bang" bullshit. good day for Long Island

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:57:02 AM

Collective Soul is stoked.

ineedsalt 11/30/2012 11:58:28 AM

maybe he is going to go out and get one of those GED's that kids have been talking about these days

anonymous 11/30/2012 11:59:55 AM

My beard is pissed

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:00:24 PM

"Living proof that dreams do come true. Oh and also we gave all of our band money to a bum"

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:07:17 PM

Who's going to open all the local band spotlight shows now?!

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:10:22 PM

Saw them with despised icon my senior year of high school, great band great dudes. The pit was pretty violent for these guys, RIP

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:12:34 PM


anonymous 11/30/2012 12:13:17 PM

the touring local.

MarginError 11/30/2012 12:20:02 PM

The World We Who??

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:39:45 PM

love Frank and Tim. i will miss those dudes

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:45:13 PM

So Daniel Defonce took care of you guys the whole time you were a band and put you on the road for years even though you can barely draw 3 teenagers and a dildo, but Jamey Jasta puts out a record and gives you no support and you call him the best guy in your camp? fcking idiot. "hey dude im 27 but i still want cred in the hardcore scene" go fck yourself

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:59:08 PM

^Defonce makes an appearance

anonymous 11/30/2012 12:59:30 PM

Yes, one less shitty Long Island band.

anonymous 11/30/2012 1:10:57 PM

So Daniel Defonce took care of you guys the whole time you were a band and put you on the road for years even though you can barely draw 3 teenagers and a dildo, but Jamey Jasta puts out a record and gives you no support and you call him the best guy in your camp? fcking idiot. "hey dude im 27 but i still want cred in the hardcore scene" go fck yourself are you just now getting pissed? EVERY BAND does this. pull your head out of your ass

anonymous 11/30/2012 1:29:49 PM

lets just get to the point they never made enough money ever, they realized they couldn't continue to barely make more, they never got bigger over the course of 8 years with no appeal to the kids. They are better off working part-time at walmart

anonymous 11/30/2012 1:39:45 PM

Catalepsy is next

Hibuddywazup 11/30/2012 2:02:05 PM

We Hardly Knew You.

anonymous 11/30/2012 2:08:19 PM

Catalepsy, take note, you fcktards.

anonymous 11/30/2012 2:12:44 PM

thank god

anonymous 11/30/2012 2:25:23 PM

The best part is that he's now doing merch for The Browning...

anonymous 11/30/2012 2:35:59 PM tch?v=RAA1xgTTw9w

anonymous 11/30/2012 2:55:36 PM


anonymous 11/30/2012 3:32:05 PM

We Blue The World

anonymous 11/30/2012 4:14:34 PM

I worked with this band (regrettably) more than once. Frank aside, the guys were great. Frank is a fcking douchebag. Scams on 17 year old chicks at every fcking show. Daniel Defonce's jerk is not stoked. He'll be getting fcked by Frank way more now that he'll never be on the road.

xburnfacex 11/30/2012 4:23:15 PM

Good. It's for the best.

xbumpx 11/30/2012 4:29:20 PM

thought this said The Word Alive at first. Devastated.

anonymous 11/30/2012 4:49:21 PM

Lmao @ collective soul is stoked

anonymous 11/30/2012 5:57:18 PM


LoydChristmas 11/30/2012 6:15:20 PM

LOL...definition of Defonced

anonymous 11/30/2012 6:15:31 PM

Sir, are you saying tour, or tore.

anonymous 11/30/2012 7:37:58 PM

anonymous is a very busy bee tonight

anonymous 11/30/2012 8:09:13 PM

whats this whole "Defonced" thing about haha. dying to hear some replies. and the cyber kids...what are you thinking.

anonymous 11/30/2012 8:26:53 PM

Dude looks like such a fcking turd. For being a band for 8 years, these guys are really mediocre. No fcks to give.

anonymous 11/30/2012 9:18:58 PM

frank fanelli a gay. previous incarnations of this band have been filled with gays. the gays in seered that have been playing with this band are gays. Tim is the only thing that made this band even minutely relevent.

anonymous 11/30/2012 9:25:11 PM


anonymous 11/30/2012 11:10:39 PM

You dudes are so pissed. This band did so much for my scene. Solid dudes. Working part tme at Wal Mart? Y'all just mad because your shitty bastufft band wasn't good enough to get signed. Keep talking shit on a hardcore forum. It's all you'l ever do anyway.

anonymous 12/1/2012 12:00:48 AM

Well now I know who Frank Fanelli is. Maybe he can start a shitty Long Island-core supergroup with the talented "lead" guitarist of Endwell and shitty singing drummer from FATA and someone from Anterrabae perhaps (remember them? No? Are you sure? I'm sure SOMEBODY here remembers them! No? Okay I give up.)

OrgCore 12/1/2012 12:25:27 AM

The World Don't Care

anonymous 12/1/2012 1:14:05 AM

These gays don't even lift.

Mitt__Romney 12/1/2012 1:24:27 AM

We're ending this band, and starting another. Maybe then more than 1500 people will know about us.

anonymous 12/1/2012 1:50:22 AM

oh well now I am just really looking to hear some Defonce talk. Scene 1, take 2, GO!

anonymous 12/1/2012 2:36:22 AM

Defonce is a gay and should be beaten to death with his own gay dick

anonymous 12/1/2012 4:59:03 AM

lol this band used to message my band 3 times a week (frank actually) jocking nuts hard. then because we never gave the time of day they got butthurt and decided to 'hate us' and talk mad shit...fake as they come. good fckin riddance.

anonymous 12/1/2012 5:12:31 AM

I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon

anonymous 12/1/2012 6:16:35 AM

This is probably the most attention this shitty ass band has got. Thank you for being done!

anonymous 12/1/2012 6:58:58 AM

I want a Dan DeFonce lambgoat interview. Honest and how he feels on things.

anonymous 12/1/2012 8:24:36 AM

I can't wait for their reunion show on Long Island in 2 years

anonymous 12/1/2012 10:49:42 AM

7 on the end

anonymous 12/1/2012 11:46:00 AM

gays can talk all your shit, you're just upset that you're too lazy to do what they did. They didn't become the biggest thing but they worked their asses off and did more than most of you will ever do in your miserable trolling lives. I am not saying I think they're a good band but they worked hard and I hope whatever they end up doing in the future will work out better for them. Great guys, 1000% backed hard, etc.

anonymous 12/1/2012 1:01:12 PM

^said by a true shot Roy

anonymous 12/1/2012 1:18:03 PM


xheartfeltx 12/1/2012 4:07:01 PM

tough guys everywhere just got a little less tougher.

anonymous 12/1/2012 5:14:23 PM

For a little hobbit with no clout defonce gets a lot of attention on here.

anonymous 12/1/2012 5:16:07 PM

"the new bassist was cool." - the new bassist's friend

anonymous 12/1/2012 6:12:51 PM

Which new bassist? There were like 20

anonymous 12/1/2012 6:17:45 PM

Too bad DeFonce shall forever be in the shadows of other agents. Anyone wanna play guess his next shitty tour name?

anonymous 12/1/2012 9:30:14 PM

Defonce has turned into an even lamer mini ash

blankzzz 12/2/2012 2:16:22 AM

lol 65 comments and counting

anonymous 12/2/2012 6:26:31 AM

"Defonce has turned into an even lamer mini ash" Problem for DeFonce is that his dad didn't direct The Karate Kid.

anonymous 12/2/2012 8:10:03 AM

^ nice

fourthgradecocktease 12/2/2012 9:31:18 AM

This band actually had SOME potential, it's a shame they never quite reached it. Shitty, shitty clean vocals, Frank.

anonymous 12/2/2012 8:56:13 PM

Now how will Frank scam on teenage girls to fck on tour?

anonymous 12/2/2012 11:12:44 PM

Band fcking sucked. They sucked when they were straight edge and they sucked less not straight edge. Frank thinks he is the best frontman ever but can't even scream properly, maybe you should hit puberty first bud. Tim sucks at guitar and wishes he was Dimebag. Justin loves to wack off to hentai while using whiskey as lube. Jorge looks like Tito from rocket power and who fckin cares about bass. Good riddance you fcks. With all that said I love you guys and will miss this band.

anonymous 12/3/2012 1:31:22 AM

^gay this band was amazing the pit was scury eat a load

anonymous 12/3/2012 10:09:50 AM


anonymous 12/3/2012 11:07:15 AM

im dead

anonymous 12/3/2012 12:01:30 PM

the world we fcked in the ass with reindeer semon

anonymous 12/3/2012 12:03:00 PM

frank blew tommy dreamer for him to be in their video. he sucked off blue meanie too but they were embarrassed to have his fat fcking ass in the video

duckduckfootloose 12/3/2012 3:02:49 PM

I miss Anterrabae.

bees 12/3/2012 4:28:11 PM

"Jorge looks like Tito from rocket power and who fckin cares about bass." Might be one of the best comments I've read in awhile.

anonymous 12/3/2012 6:03:32 PM

...the world we who? yet the world still turns. good riddance to shit music.

anonymous 12/3/2012 6:04:25 PM

how tall is frank?

anonymous 12/6/2012 6:07:04 PM

Can't remember how many times i saw this band play to rooms of 10-20 kids. They will be missed by myself and those other 9-19 kids

anonymous 12/6/2012 6:10:40 PM

"frank should finally get a normal haircut and an actual job so i don't have to pay his bills anymore"...... Frank's mom

anonymous 12/17/2012 3:35:07 PM

I saw this coming when I first heard their one hit wonder song To The Wolves. I was like their is no way in hell that this band can ever do better than that one song. Whats even more hilarious is his sad attempt at releasing a clothing line, called C.A.T. Cats and t-ts clothing. Yes its quite pathetic to see clothing with cats on it, the designs are so bad I'm not sure if any hipsters or metal heads who love cats would buy them.

anonymous 7/31/2013 9:44:44 AM

this band always sucked and only got places because their singer is a social media whore FACT

anonymous 6/29/2015 7:37:38 AM

^^^^ I am from the Island and can tell you that's 100% the reason why. Surprised when people actually met him in person they didn't run.. Frank has the worst fcking breath ever!

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