Post Commenthow is this news? all these gays quit after a month anyway
For the fallen dreams are the biggest fail ever. They can't get above average. That band is so fcking bad
i only care enough to make fun of them. both bands = not good. stick that up your slut butt
The only reason they picked him is because he is a bit more liberal with his male on male sexual tendencies. They needed someone who brought new ideas and techniques for exploring male anatomy.
Watching Flo from Progressive do stand up comedy > listening to Attila or For The Fallens Dreams
Scenesters replaced their scenester with another scenester. Awesome
Goddamnit. Where is LloydChristmas? Nobody can post anything as witty or all-knowing as that gay. You guys need to know your place around here.
The singer fcked a chick while on tour and made her have an abortion. Vote for Obama in 2012.
Oh my god..WHO THE fck CARES ????? ITS A BASSPLAYER...99% of the kids commenting cant even tell if the bassamp is on at a show SHUT UP. USELESS NEWS
^ A certain someone is acting like their little sister.
......and to think some people may actually give a fck about this.
anonymous3 hours ago The singer fcked a chick while on tour and made her have an abortion. Vote for Obama in 2012. even if its not true that rules like a silverback
Why is this news? Who cares? these queers leave bands on a hourly basis.
Great career move from a band that had potential and now sucks the big one to a band that was created by mtv and has only teenage followers. No fcking one care ever.
... so they tell me it's not beat if you shout surprise first? Is that right?
We Were Gentlemen... Winter Solstice.. FTFD.. Attila... No Care....
Lloyd's mom took away his Internet privileges. Now he has to ride his bike to McDonald's and use the free wifi. It could take awhile.
i, for one, appreciate the posting of this news item. all you gays just don't appreciate a good bass player hiring!
Attila is a joke. FTFD went way downhill without Chad. No care for either band.
The buttpain in this thread is unbelievable, you fggts should be out poonhounding on the weekends like a normal person.
FTFD sucked even with Chad.. Attila has never been good.. Who even cares..
How did this band make it???? Oh yeah he was on MTV made and went from fat kid to "Model"
When I saw the headline I thought it was Attila Csihar from Mayhem joining some emo band. I know they aren't emo so don't jumping in on that. Attila Csihar > this band.
FFTD is like herpes, the gift that keeps on giving.
Never been a huge Attila fan, but Kalan shreds on the guitar. I have a feeling he'll be adding positive changes to the music.
you nerds kicked out cornbread and got that bitch kalan weak. New England is bummed.
what happened to the guy from The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza? more than likely became sick of Fronzak's lisp or the reciting of old Andrew Dice Clay poems over djent music.
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Joe Dirt 2. fck everyone.