Post Comment"Connecticut brand of HC" = any band from CT who sounds like Hatebreed
yeah well this "stupid" style of hardcore is better than any style of music you can ever come up with. why does everyone have to bad mouth someone who is doing better than them. Grow up
^lol at regarding a Midwest tour and having to split $60 five ways every night as "doing better than them" also, are we just flipping to any damn page of the Bible and picking any random phrase and saying "BOOM. BAND NAME. RIGHT THERE."? Is that what we're doing now? Ark of The Covenant, The Great Commission, Gideon, At The Throne Of Judgement, Philistine, Altars, Disciple fck i could go on for days.
^ co-sign Loyd's comment. Christian hardcore bands remind me of the Book of Job. The suffering described in that is paralelled by the suffering caused by listening to most of these fruity bands
Listening to this shit band is like the opening of the ark at the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
"The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste in entire regions. An Army that carries the Ark before it... is invincible." EVERYBODY BE CAREFUL OF THESE GUYS!!
i'm from CT. how is this band even signed, they're terrible
wow these guys suck so bad i thought i was in 2004 for a minute. fcking gay ass christian hardcore hail satan
band is horrible, facedown needs to throw in the towel for real. This is just gonna give kids hope to start more bands like this and get signed. that sucks. CT rules tough. death threat, hatebreed, 100 demons..
Greg Thomas is the only thing this post has to do with Connecticut Hardcore. The rest of this is just some metalcore dorks who have never been to a show.
best dudes. i always hook them up in VA. they deserve this.
So sad when people bad mouth good hard working bands as if its trendy; this is why the metal scene is dying.
gotta love the people with nothing better to do than trash bands in the comment section of lambgoat
One time the drummer was borrowing my drummers' set and he was hitting too hard so we told him to stop. After that he was hitting like a fig boy and it sounded horribly awesome.
anonymous 12 hours ago gotta love the people with nothing better to do than trash bands in the comment section of lambgoat gotta love when this typical comment gets thrown around. As if people who make a quick comment on a website do so because they literally have nothing else going on.
@loydchristmas: and letter to the exiles. wtf kind of name is that? even thought theyre actually pretty good. but enough of these uber christian bands names!
I'd rather be the dude at the end of Indiana jones ark of the covenant who gets smoked by it than listen to this shitty ass band. please for the love of god break up. I'll pay you.
This band kicks ass. Spend more time trash talking Nicki Minaj and less time bashing a struggling genre packed full of passionate music.
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I thought this stupid style of 'hardcore' stopped being popular like five years ago?