NewsJuly 6, 2012 10:35 AM ET9,002 views

Lamb of God issues first statement on Randy Blythe

Lamb of God has issued their first official statement since the June 27th arrest of frontman Randy Blythe on manslaughter charges. Here you go:
"First of all, thanks to everyone who has reached out in support of Randy and each of us in this terrible situation. It's noted and very much appreciated. We have been keeping our heads down and not speaking out due to the fluid nature of the situation and the constantly changing information that even we receive daily. Within an hour things can do endless 180's. It's maddening to try and make heads or tails. We're taking the time to speak to you as it has been a significant period of time since this situation began and while nothing is immediately clear to any of us, we are not trying to keep anyone in the dark. "We have reached out and are making use of the resources we have acquired to help our brother who is still detained in Czech jail. In the two years since, we were never notified of anything related to this incident. Randy is our brother and we assure you, we are all staying very positive for him, working endlessly behind the scenes to provide any and all assistance possible. The best we can do is to stay positive and continue to support our friend that we know is innocent. "We know that justice will prevail and we will continue to do our part to support our friend."
donate to Randy Blythe's legal fund


Post Comment

anonymous 7/6/2012 7:41:44 AM

First post

anonymous 7/6/2012 7:44:12 AM

jam of slobs

anonymous 7/6/2012 7:44:30 AM

stunts leading up to a new album are stoked.

anonymous 7/6/2012 7:45:03 AM

Hopefully this all gets resolved soon and Randy can come back to the US. Def crazy whats happening and I hope you guys are hanging in there. love ya guys! \m/

anonymous 7/6/2012 7:55:50 AM

Raped in czech jail. They might actually have cool lyrics soon.

bombinHillz 7/6/2012 8:14:29 AM

I've seen the video hes clear not guilty of manslaughter. I say let the gay rot. A band who tours on a bus regularly can deal with their own legal trouble.

anonymous 7/6/2012 8:15:46 AM

ABC presents a true story movie of the week of Randy Blythe. I have a tear in my eye just thinking of it.

anonymous 7/6/2012 8:18:47 AM

TMZ Reports that Lamb of God has replaced Randy Blythe with former Killswitch Engage Vocalist Howard Jones.

long_insured_now 7/6/2012 8:25:04 AM

This just in, every member of Lamb of God has been detained from playing awful music from this point forward

Stupid_News_Poster 7/6/2012 8:27:22 AM

Donate to his legal fund? Are you fcking kidding me? They paid 200k for his bail and NOW they're asking for shit? Get fcked.

anonymous 7/6/2012 8:36:25 AM

"making use of the resources we have acquired" - uneducated people using big words to sound serious.

LoydChristmas 7/6/2012 8:44:01 AM

Lamb of God issues first statement on Randy Blythe that really doesn't add or clarify a goddamn thing.

anonymous 7/6/2012 9:18:06 AM

Asking for money? These guys need to get with the praguegram.

TheLoudestGuyInTheRoom 7/6/2012 9:37:40 AM

The link to the "legal fund" is shot (or it could be the phone I'm writing this on). Too bad, I was gonna donate 5 koruny ceske to da cause

anonymous 7/6/2012 9:57:36 AM

no one cares any more

anonymous 7/6/2012 10:01:43 AM

I don't think any of you realize that touring in a "bus" doesn't equate to having even average pay as a touring artist. In fact everyone else in a bands camp is paid before the artists meaning management, legal, booking agents, merch companies, labels, publicists, etc. So, with that being said asking for any minimal amount of money to help cover the balance would help immensely.

ineedsalt 7/6/2012 11:12:55 AM

now you've got money to paypal

anonymous 7/6/2012 11:20:28 AM

Whole thing sux. These guys aren't living the lavish life of rock stars by any means. All that aside, he's an American being held overseas on possibly some trumpted up b.s. I am looking forward to the rage he'll bring from this to the stage.

anonymous 7/6/2012 11:29:03 AM

I'm looking forward towards the rage that his inmates are unleashing on his rear cavity. And LOL @ jails being in this captcha.

AnalButt 7/6/2012 11:30:30 AM

At least he's got that wonderful Czech prison food to munch on.

hardware 7/6/2012 1:57:05 PM

Instead of instantly posting something useless maybe everyone should think about the situation first. Imagine being in a band, touring another country and being excited about it, then you are thrown in Jail for something you knew nothing about. Pretty fcked up. I only liked that Smooth Jazz song they did a while back, but still feel for the dudes.

anonymous 7/6/2012 4:47:54 PM

theres a guy in the Czech prison feeling Randys inner rear tube right about now

anonymous 7/6/2012 5:34:11 PM

wasn't lamb of god bragging about getting signed for a million dollars to a major label?

anonymous 7/6/2012 6:28:30 PM

if you can post a $250,000 bond, you can afford legal council. end.

anonymous 7/7/2012 2:17:16 AM

You know is innocent? Thought he was guilty, straight up killed a fan. Is that not correct?

sandpaperseatbelts 7/7/2012 6:29:48 AM

Goddamnit ineedsalt. Also legal fund = moneygrab

anonymous 7/7/2012 7:11:25 AM

Iwrestledrandyblytheanddie donce

big_metal_al 7/7/2012 8:11:46 AM

LOG guys, tell them you'll give 'em Harley Flan in exchange for Randy's freedom!

anonymous 7/7/2012 10:12:00 AM

I love how people hate on Lamb of God simply because they play better music then what you haters will ever play. Just because whatever shitty band you're a part of (still playing in your parents garage while you continue to work at taco bell) never made it, doesn't mean LOG sucks; it means you have no fcking talent and should have never even been born since you can't support someone with real talent and success, fcking c-m dumpsters. #FreeRandyBlythe

anonymous 7/7/2012 11:00:25 AM

This website is a fckin cesspool of elitist, failed muscians who have little to no general knowledge of music. But anyway, hope Blythe pulls out of this shit..

anonymous 7/7/2012 11:53:09 AM

i love how everyone that defends LoG instantly thinks that everyone who jokes/talks shit about LoG are failed musicians. nice fcking logic there, you idiots. welcome to lambgoat.

anonymous 7/7/2012 12:41:12 PM

probably mob related or some kind of set up

anonymous 7/7/2012 4:08:48 PM

fck you haters. Randy will be free, guilty or not. Oh and if you don't like Lamb of God, ask yourself this: "Can I do what they've done?" Probably not.

anonymous 7/7/2012 4:34:45 PM

^ Likes bad music Go suck LOGs dck gay ahahahahahhahaha 'can you do what they did?' I COULD wrote the same album 12 times...but nah I'm good bro

anonymous 7/7/2012 10:03:21 PM

"can i do what they've done?" absolutely not, i couldn't bring myself to write shitty music as a career. you win that round, randy-lover.

snoopy2 7/8/2012 2:55:05 PM

Why does everyone feel so bad for this useless gay? European jailcells are like our four star American hotel resorts

anonymous 7/8/2012 4:24:54 PM

^ tounge punches his mom's fart box.

anonymous 7/8/2012 6:34:00 PM

The say thing is this STILL wont make them write good music.

anonymous 7/8/2012 6:34:26 PM

^ sad*

anonymous 7/8/2012 9:04:23 PM

I remember when the metal community was a brotherhood. It's full of mostly tools now just waiting to get their dumbass, pointless quip on the internet. Sad. Food luck to Randy and the LOG boys. Always have been a fan.

anonymous 7/8/2012 9:05:35 PM


anonymous 7/10/2012 8:20:30 PM

http://www.urbandictionary .com/define.php?term=Lamb% 20Of%20God&page=4

Snoopy2 7/12/2012 10:13:56 AM

Not a fcking penny donated you stupid greedy fcks

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