Lamb Of God frontman Randy Blythe has reportedly been arrested in Prague, CZE on charges of manslaughter. The accusation apparently stems from a 2010 incident in which a LOG concert-goer died sometime after being involved in an altercation with Blythe. You can attempt to muddle through an English translation of the original report.
Lamb of God's PR team has subsequently put out word that Blythe has been "wrong accused" and that they expect him to be "fully exonerated."
UPDATE #10 (7/12/2012 8:51 AM): Cindy Blythe, wife of Randy Blythe, was in Prague yesterday (Wednesday) to visit her husband in prison, where he remains indefinitely. Footage of her speaking with reporters after the visit can be seen below:
Cindy Blythe: "It was really good to see him. I miss him very much and I really hope I get to see him soon, and that we'll be together again soon. So... I think it's terrible what happened... that the kid lost his life and his family lost him... but I believe he's innocent."
UPDATE #9 (7/6/2012 7:35 AM): Lamb of God has issued their first official statement regarding the Randy Blythe situation.
UPDATE #8 (7/5/2012 9:02 AM): Lamb of God manager Larry Mazer has spoken out publicly, calling the case against Blythe "so full of holes."
UPDATE #7 (7/2/2012 1:09 PM): Randy Blythe will be forced to remain in jail for at least 10 days, despite posting bail.
UPDATE #6 (7/1/2012 11:43 PM):
Video purported to show the incident for which Blythe has been accused of manslaughter has surfaced and is below:
UPDATE #5 (6/30/2012 10:19 AM):
Lamb of God Randy Blythe has reportedly been freed for the time-being. According to TheGauntlet, Lamb of God's manager told them that, "if he gets charged in the future, he needs to return for trial. He is free to tour and it was implied [by the courts] that tour plans would not be disrupted."
Lending credence to reports that Blythe has been freed is a new Tweet from Lamb of God guitarist Mark Morton, stating: "Today just turned into a FANTASTIC day!!!"
Blythe appeared before the court in Prague early this morning. Video of his arraignment is here:
UPDATE #4 (6/29/2012 2:53 PM):
Czech police spokeswoman Jana Rosslerova has publicly stated that Blythe has been in custody since Wednesday and will remain so until at least tomorrow (Saturday), at which time the court will decide whether or not to continue his detention.
UPDATE #3 (6/29/2012 1:52 PM):
Lamb of God guitar player Willie Adler has commented on the matter:
"It's been a rough couple of days. All I can say is that I can't recall that particular show let alone a fan being beaten on the stage. I think I would've noticed something like that considering the Dime [Dimebag Darrell] thing. We're all still here in the Czech Republic awaiting what is to happen. We hope we'll be able to get Randy out this afternoon. All our thoughts are with him as well as the family of the deceased fan. We've no real clue as to what happened to him, but we send our condolences. All we try to do is entertain; the fans are why we're here. We would never try and harm anyone."
UPDATE #2 (6/29/2012 11:04 AM):
Lamb Of God's PR firm has issued the following statement:
"Lamb of God management will be issuing an official statement on Monday regarding the charges made against singer Randy Blythe. As no formal charges have yet been made and the case is only in the investigation stages, it would be premature to make an official statement filled with false truths or innuendos.
"Having said that, management wished to address today one false piece of information that has been included in many of the news stories released so far. Under no circumstances was there a fight of any kind involved. This incident deals with a fan that three times during the concert jumped the barricade and rushed Randy during the performance. It is alleged that the third time, security was not able to reach him and that Randy pushed him back into the audience where supposedly he fell and hit his head.
"Again, until the investigation is concluded this weekend, nothing more will be released, but clarity and the facts needed to be addressed on this one reported point which is totally inaccurate."
UPDATE #1 (6/29/2012 3:59 AM):
The arrest and manslaughter charges has been indeed been confirmed by several official sources. According to CBS 6 in Richmond, VA, as of yesterday (Thursday) evening, Blythe was apparently still in custody in Prague. Blythe's brother, Mark Blythe, told CBS-6 that the charge is "bogus and outrageous and will be dropped immediately."
Additionally, CBS-6 had the following to say about the 2010 incident: "Those who know the band heard the intruder may have been struck with a microphone before the security team forced him from the stage."
CBS-6 aired the following video segment:
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