Post CommentThey already played a "farewell" show a couple of months ago.
I hate all of you. STRAY FROM THE PATH. Eat shit.
NO NO NO. A Day To Remember. Eat shit and die fck face
MC MB is somewhat decent. Liferuiner randomly followed me on twitter.. never listened to them. Dead and Divine is blah. Would go if someone covered my ticket cost.
I love how randomly someone mentioned stray from the path. That band is so real, its fcking awesome. They aren't that hot topic/ warped tour cookie cutter bullshit. They talk about real issues that affect us all some way, some how. That band is deep.....Deep as fck. On that note, fck John Cena.
dead and divine's last album was better than most of the shit floating around these days.
Yes, Stray From The Path is pretty awesome.. talked hockey with them on twitter lol.
MCMB sound nothing like SFTP. And they also suck major shit. Seen them twice and each time I wanted to cut my ears off.
LOL at calling any hardcore band's lyrical topics "deep" you have to be fcking joking.
Did you guys hear that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting a divorce???!!!!
fck all this metalcore argument. Pantera is the best metal band end of story.
Not a big fan of MCMB's latest album, but I saw them last Saturday and they were awesome. D&D's last album was great, and LR is whatevs, so I might go to this if it comes to my state. Just throwing in my 2 cents because I know how relevant it is to everyone
New Liferuiner is pretty good and has a good message. Hater gonna hate tho.
Breakdowns and breakdowns and breakdowns and breakdowns,,.............. ...and breakdowns and breakdowns.
dudes who wear machete cuts tanks are stoked
"New Liferuiner is pretty good and has a good message. Hater gonna hate tho" LOL what??
New liferuiner is a fcking joke. Which sucks, because at least their other albums were a joke on purpose to be "bad."
Farewell tour? Jesus H. Christ you aren't the fcking Stones...hope the $200 guarantees per venue make up for all the gas money and butt plugs that will be purchased
^ Has only played his high school talent show.
would rather eat R. Kelly's doodoo butter than go to this
Some valid points raised thus far. However, I would argue that Pantera were better when they were a hair metal band.
Pantera is NOT the best metal band of all time for Christ's sake. NO metal band who thrived in the 90s with the exception of Death should even be considered..
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Wow First Post. I love MCMB.