Post Commentjoe hardcore does not go by joe none. that's realm's guitarist.
and chris is singing for shattered realm again, not joe.
bullshit article if you aren't even telling us the main purpose of this article. hogwash.
tumblr is blowing tha fuq up right nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Do some fcking research if you want details. And if you want your hand held, call your mommy.
isnt the purpose of a music news blog to give the details instead of telling us there's something going on but not give any details about it and instead tell us to go do the research ourselves? DO I NOT LOOK fckING LAZY TO YOU?
What's the differance between this situation and a day to remember. Both fcked around with underage girls and adtr is still playing
So after reading all of this... I still have no clue what happed. Breaking news!!!! Mmmmm we won't tell you - Lambgoat
Way to seriously drop the ball on this one, LG. I have no fcking idea what's going on
webmaster's daddy is a lawyer, and you can't figure out why they didnt post details? dummies.
Since us plebes aren't allowed to in the I Know What Happened Club, can some enlightened reader inform the rest of us?
Read the gossip here folks: http://www.thorprecords.com/boards/viewthread.php?tid=19255
Well, this brings the term "Wasted Youth Crew" into an unfortunate light
Maybe Buddha can start a new band with Tripp Eisen and R. Kelly
He showed her as much mercy as this life as shown him
He tried to better himself but the weight and stress of life, seemed to have helped everyone he hated and left him behind
At a bbq over memorial day weekend. Buddha was drunk (not an excuse) and pinned a 13 yo girl against the wall, was trying to kiss her while holding her hands down. The whole time a 10yo was telling him to stop. He knew her age and told her not to tell her father. DSS is involved.
Umm you forgot the best part. You know where he told her "Now don't tell Daddy"
EVERYONE READ THIS. He is accused of raping a young girl between the ages of 12 and 14. Just type it into google and shit will come up.
i'm not saying it's ok in any way, but kissing a girl isn't the same as raping her
IF this happened, enjoy prison life as an attempted 13 year old rapist, and enjoy having to register as a fun offender wherever you live. have any of you gotten plastered and you wanted to throw a tablespoon of boneless children at a preteen? fck
I oughta have my fcking head examined for screwing little girls like you...
stupid article void of any actual "news" more like- "oh hey, you hear those rumors?" "no." "oh well there are some rumors going around."
The most important thing is that this band sucks. Lets all remember that.
blood for blood is still an awesome band reguardless.
this statutory beat thing is just a cover story. he was actually arrested at boston harbor attempting to smuggle in a shaving cream filled with extremely valuable dinosaur dna
I heard a bag of jewels was involved somewhere along the line
Thank god this band is fcking terrible and don't matter. I think this how the universe keeps shitty bands down. Please universe, periphery next.
prob a set up to get his $$$.. rich mother fcker he is
anonymous 2 hours ago dodgson!! we've got dodgson here!! anybody wannaaaaaaaa soda or somethin?
fat piece of shit, lock his ass up, who the fck cares about b4b
"The most important thing is that this band sucks. Lets all remember that."
HAhahahha if everyone hates B4B so much why are you all obsessed with searching
Blood for blood is a wanna be/3rd rate sheer terror at best
is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal is dispicable and obviously highly illegal
hahah hope the Aryan Brotherhood stomps his scumbag head when he is inside.
anonymous14 hours ago What's the differance between this situation and a day to remember. Both fcked around with underage girls and adtr is still playing permalink | report abuse I know right! He should get some tips from them or Liferuiner
Scumbag.band sucked anyway.He'll get a few up the crap shoot by tyrone and big bubba.
bullshit faker,underage beatr,you ain't nothing but a washed up scenester<---sing this to "paper gangster" by the same band.
http://i1168.photobucket.c om/albums/r494/user1234567 8/pedoforb.jpg
obviously he had to tell her it was an 18 and over show
anonymous 19 minutes ago Blood for Period Blood i just LOL vom'ed
I have heard murmurs of Ramallah doing a reunion in 2013, which interests me much more than Blood For Blood anyways.
He kissed a girl......NOT beatd a girl. Dont get what the big deal here is.
He can always move to cali and be accepted by the people from rancid just like the singer from the band Pressure Point
All I know is, if BFB can tour w/o Rob Lind (the heart and soul of this band), then they can sure as fck tour w/o Mr. Grabby. Some new Ramallah would be even better
Real reason why webmaster held the information off was because he's a huge pssy and didn't want blood for bad blood with the gay band. Quality of his journalism sucks ass seeing that he's posting headlines with no content, and insisting for us to "do our own research". What a garbage heap of a website. speaking of the incident, I don't know whether I should be humoured or devastated by the irony of this Ramallah song... http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=4KMbFLY6mio&feature=p layer_embedded LOL
"He kissed a girl......NOT beatd a girl. Dont get what the big deal here is." CAUSE SHE IS 13 YOU MORON. fck, are people this dumb anymore?
FSU is going to send a group of kids who grew up in a middle class Boston family and were "done wrong by society" and "products of hate" despite their completely normal childhood to beat this chick up for talking and hurting the scene.
This "chick" is a daughter to a close friend of buddas. The 2 little girla called him uncle Eric. At a friend and family's and crew bbq's fami. He's a big fat piece of shit and never welcome anywhere again. Please no longer associate his name with FSU
Buddhists are not stoked: "This is SO not zen..."
You fcking morons that apparently "hate" blood for blood so much, are going to land Rob and the rest of the band quite a nice pay day. Everybody is watching how much attention this is getting and while Erick loses, the rest of the band will come out on top thanks to you gossip gays. Keep searching blood for blood please.
Even if B4B done forever, keep searching, Ramallah or another offshoot will benefit from your constant searches. The world is now run on search results via Google and others, keep typing it in bitches. Hero white trash rob now sober 5+ years kicks out discgusting pedo singer and stops band cold.. Record deal soon to follow
FSU will now benefit as well, standing up to pedos and removing them from the community immediately without question will improve their image in the public eye.
Hey i just tried to beat you, and this might sound shady, but dont tell the nation, they'll stomp me , baby.
You coulda been anybody, we could had some fun. All i needed was some pssy baby, 13 Aint to young.
Heard that Erick Medina ratted out Randy Blythe for a plea deal???
While I love the jokes at Buddha's expense he is no longer a part of FSU. He will be dealt with accordingly.
Most 13 year old girls dont have periods yet... Blood for hymen blood more like it. LoydChristmas21 hours ago anonymous 19 minutes ago Blood for Period Blood i just LOL vom'ed
WTF is up with all the singers in bands these days. Ego driven maniacs, think they can do whatever they like without having to face the consequences and then play the poor vicitim.
You fcking morons that apparently "hate" blood for blood so much, are going to land Rob and the rest of the band quite a nice pay day. Everybody is watching how much attention this is getting and while Erick loses, the rest of the band will come out on top. Shut up you gay. Bands dont make money much money from google searches about their singer raping a underage girl. Clearly this board trolled you and you're severly butthurt.
I singled her out. it was a Friday night I held her down, to get the feeling right I took my penis out, and forced off her pants Then I told her not to scream And thats about the time she yelled get off of me No one likes you when you're raping teens This is better than hardcore shows What the hell is FSU? My friends say I should lose some weight Whats her age again? Whats her age again?
All the posts about booting him from FSU are made by Joe None
Meathead Boston jock in possibly the gayest "gang" that's ever existed sexually assaults a young girl. SAY IT AIN'T fckING SO. SHOCKING.
Blood For Blood cd sales have dropped 7% since last month according to Thorp records. So much for the boost in sales for beat charges lololololololol
As an active member of FSU I pledge to deal with this young girl accordingly. Buddha has been the poster boy for our cause and will remain the same no matter what the results of this incident. We don't tolerate people telling on members of our crew and they will regret it. FSU FOR LIFE
I singled her out. it was a Friday night I held her down, to get the feeling right I took my penis out, and forced off her pants Then I told her not to scream And thats about the time she yelled get off of me No one likes you when you're raping teens This is better than hardcore shows What the hell is FSU? My friends say I should lose some weight Whats her age again? Whats her age again? Single best post in the history of lamb goat. A+.
All the lyrics he wrote about just make him look like a monster
DMS is moving in to take over your territory now that you are divided sorry boys
Funny I never saw any blood for blood lyrics that involve raping children. You people are fcked, you connect writing lyrics about hating the world and being an outcast to raping children now?
You fcking pussies sicken me, oh I'm going to get my blood for blood tattoo removed because a guy who didn't write the lyrics kissed a 13 year old girl? Apparently for the last 6 years only females have been listening to hardcore , it shows
Blood For Blood cd sales have dropped 7% since last month according to Thorp records. So much for the boost in sales for beat charges lololololololol Actually the boost in sales will come either for Ramallah or whatever band the other members continue as, or for the unreleased B4B album. I never said people were gonna go buy fcking "Serenity" from Thorp records in droves all of a sudden you fcking horrible fail troll LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Shut up you gay. Bands dont make money much money from google searches about their singer raping a underage girl. Clearly this board trolled you and you're severly butthurt. Actually, yes they do LOLOLOLOLOLLOL
I guess you never heard the saying any publicity is good publicity LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL
Big smelly creases have been washed and still smell.
"this statutory beat thing is just a cover story. he was actually arrested at boston harbor attempting to smuggle in a shaving cream filled with extremely valuable dinosaur dna" in no way did i think a JP joke could be made here. well played.
lol @ all these anonymous posts. Show your face if you wanna defend something. On a side note; this band sucks, always has and always will. Piece of shit deserves to rot in jail, no tolerance for any sort of sexual conduct towards a minor. Defend it all you want, but this band is done and finished. THANK YOU fckING GOD
Apparently, FSU lacks disciplinary skills and standards when it comes to alcohol abuse and kid fcking. This group is a fcking disgrace and should be stomped the fck out.
I heard FSU funds North American Man Boy Association
Yo I'm in da crew, Youz best watch Uzeselves if youz knowz whatz goodz forz youz
ATTN: There will be a meeting of all tha crews this coming Friday to discuss the fall out of the Buddha situation. You must be DMS, FSU, or BFL to attend.. wristbands at tha door
Yo ... fcking Buddha ratted me out to Czech authorities1?!?! -Randy Blythe FSU
She left...me... A BITTER TWISTED fun OFFENDER.
The question is if this shit is true is this guy a child predator or a black out drunk who does retarded shit that he wouldn't even think of doing sober. I for one don't drink due to the fact I I would get blacked out do embarrassing stuff (hitting on my 75 yr old mother in law to name one) alcoholism is a progressive disease, pedophilia is a mental illness. God bless everyone involved in this situation
^ God bless everyone involved? Get bent you retarded gay
"The question is if this shit is true is this guy a child predator or a black out drunk who does retarded shit that he wouldn't even think of doing sober. I for one don't drink due to the fact I I would get blacked out do embarrassing stuff (hitting on my 75 yr old mother in law to name one) alcoholism is a progressive disease, pedophilia is a mental illness. God bless everyone involved in this situation" Written by Buddah himself
I know I wouldn't want hike delivering mail in my neighborhood. fcking pervert
Well, looks like its time to bring Ramallah back.
he'll be in PC if he gors to prison. I just got out and trust me....they don't like dudes who touch little kids.
An adult kissed a 13 year old against their will. Blood for Blood is dead. Now bring Ramallah back and let's see the tour dates for 2013 already.
Bullshit brainwashed media crap..oh you want money jerks let's make some bullshit up hahah! WASTEDYOUTHCREW!
Dorks for dorks. Nobody cares this band is disappearing.
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