Real reason why webmaster held the information off was because he's a huge pssy and didn't want blood for bad blood with the gay band. Quality of his journalism sucks ass seeing that he's posting headlines with no content, and insisting for us to "do our own research". What a garbage heap of a website.
speaking of the incident, I don't know whether I should be humoured or devastated by the irony of this Ramallah song... ch?v=4KMbFLY6mio&feature=p layer_embedded LOL
Real reason why webmaster held the information off was because he's a huge pssy and didn't want blood for bad blood with the gay band. Quality of his journalism sucks ass seeing that he's posting headlines with no content, and insisting for us to "do our own research". What a garbage heap of a website. speaking of the incident, I don't know whether I should be humoured or devastated by the irony of this Ramallah song... ch?v=4KMbFLY6mio&feature=p layer_embedded LOL