Post CommentChick Fil-A made an extra batch of nuggets to celebrate.
trendsetting http://www.facebook.com/ph oto.php?fbid=3054573761572 40&set=a.150346725001640.2 2896.131908420178804&type= 3&theater So, Old Navy pea coat with hoodie? What time does the mall close?
Remember when this label used to put out shit that was actually interesting?
where should they buy clothes? the toilet store?
Not only does it look like they shop at old navy but your all a bunch of c-ck licking homos for caring about what they wear!? Dipshits.
so this music better fcking elevate me like they said or i'm writing one hell of an angry letter
Vocal chord rupturing vocals. No lack of creativity in this writer's vocabulary.
These guys literally have fun with each other.
Whoever it was that wrote this piece of shit bio owes this band apology.
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first no care captcha = People's sperm