Post Commenthell yeah for bands that fck underage chicks in DP threesomes.
Shit, I can play one note on a guitar over and over again. Why didn't I get the call-up?
Jason richardson is far too talented for this. I saw him with BOO and when he was with all shall perish and the kid fcking shreds. Plain and simple. The new BOO album would of been shit had he not been a part of it. I just hope he doesnt leave BOO for chelsea grin.
who doesn't love the hot babe that comes up in the master's in music ad every 30 seconds on theprp & lambgoat these days...
"New and improved Chelsea Grin"...you can put cheese on a shit sandwich, but it's still going to be a shit sandwich.
Jason is totally gonna leave BOO for Chelsea for dem sceneies!
hes gonna get bored of one note bands and go back home to work on some real shit. whats the point of him filling in anyways. you guys have 3 guitarist and 2 of them are doing the same thing.
only the important news on weekends eh alex?
I wish the whole band left the guitarist
Guy needed to get a real job to pay off all those Norma Jean downloads
This band will be done and they'll all be working at BK by the age of 24
"Guy needed to get a real job to pay off all those Norma Jean downloads" fckin lol, Cory Brandongoat 2012
lol Jason Richardson is becoming the Nate Johnson of deathcore guitarists
Well, Chelsea Grin probably has more 14 year old scene girls willing to get wild than Born Of Osiris. I'd say Jason Richardson is going to be up to his neck in hymen.
oh no, what are the other 6 guitarists gonna do?
You could cut off 4 of Jason's fingers and he'd still perform without a hitch.
check check. I need more bassdrop in my monitor.
I thought he did a really good job on the new album and sucks he left. Good luck to him.
Jason is a c-cky fck anyway. this just amplifies him as being a hard working professional guitar player.
anonymous 2 days ago WHY DOES YOUR BAND HAVE 3 GUITARISTS IF THE MAJORITY OF YOUR SONGS ONLY REQUIRE HALF A GUITAR?!?!?!?!? hahahahahahahahah lol duhhhh
Gayest Band Ever. Why the fck would you leave All shall perish in the first place... Then leave Boo for chelsea grin??? Gayest move and Gayest band.
yall are stupid, Jason Richardson is obviously a basketball player.
hmmmm.... maybe if he goes to chelsea grin ill actually listen to them and theyll use more than the 1st 5 frets of the guitar
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I'm sure playing Chelsea Grin's riffs will be a really challenging and fulfilling musical endeavor.