Post CommentI don't think you need a year to hype your shitty album.
Yeah, they'll need a lot more than a year to convince everyone it's not a pile of shit
The most ugly band I've ever seen, the vocalist looks like a transsexual
Half_Gorilla 11/26/2011 4:00:41 PM The most ugly band I've ever seen, the vocalist looks like a transsexual...LOL
Taking shit to the next level. A huge shit, he promises.
The obvious has already been said. Some awful band thinks announcing an album a year in advance will keep anyone from forgetting about them. Why hasnt anyone robbed this band yet?
Any band that puts more time into borrowing their sisters jeans/make-up/hair straighter than to actually write decent listenable music can go fck the fck right off
Isn't this the name of a really shitty Page Ninety Nine song?
this band needs to be hunted down like witches and burned at the stake
i like the 18visions song Motionless and White better
This is exactly what the world needs. Forget Obama's jobs bill, this right here is change you can believe in.
These guys are horrible. And I saw 'em once at a show (unintentionally) and the gay ass lead singer kept giving me the 'fckme' eyes.
these guys are fcking HEAVY and UNIQUE..... bahaaaa
They do need a year to hype their album because no one wants to buy it...takes a lot of teasers to entice 14 year old teen wolfs to buy their next horrible offering. Vampflip
maybe i missed the part where this band was so unbelievably creative that they needed two producers to reel it all in. fcking shoot me
I find it more funny that nobody commented on how one of the producers was involved with Marilyn Manson, because the vocalist of MIW looks just like him haha
fck you guys. I saw MIW(intentionally)and they were so good. Unlike most bands, they can actually play the instruments, and Chris(singer) can both scream and sing very clearly. They are my favorite band, and dont hate on them for being who they are. They've already gotten further than any of you guys who are hatin in them. And btw, regardless of how he looks, the singer is mad cool and very down to earth, and he could beat the fck out of any of gays
You know it's sad that you all waste time leaving bad comments about people you don't personally know. If you feel that Motionless in White isn't any good than why do you waste time talking about it? Instead of hating on one band that you don't like because of they're style and sound, go form a better band yourselves since you think you can. Or just listen to your own stuff and leave the kids who do love this band's music alone.
You wouldn't want to hear somebody badmouthing your music would you? I mean I do not under any circumstances like country music, or bubblegum teen-pop stuff, but I have better things to do with my life than hate them and angrily type on a keyboard about it.
As for you on here who don't like what i have to say..... it's fine I understand. I'd be pissed off if the only sexual satisfaction I'm getting is twice daily from my own hand spending the whole time on google with no life to attend too, all the while getting detoured from porn to post meaningless things about people I truly don't understand that honestly won't affect the success of their career in the least. :3
fck yeah cant wait for the next album! and you guys that keep talking shit about this band just fck off. if you dont like them then dont look them up, much less post stupid comments about them. dont you all have something better to do.
SO stoked! These guys are my favorte band! Cant wait for this album! and for all you fckers talking shit, you dont know what good music is! So go listen to your justin beiber bullshit and shut the fck up!
Rad.. I'm quite excited for their new album. Chris Motionless dresses to grab attention. To get people to listen to MIW's music. I respect him very much, and love their music. Can't wait!
to all the haters, MIW fans understand you cause your just following a h8 trend and your all just a fcking disease. We don't really care so just keep on hating, at least your talking about it. Better yet, I bet you all feel like a ton of shit now cause their new album kicks ass. Take that you fckers. Your obv not metal fans cause the metal community doesn't do shit like look up a random band they don't like and post vomit on a shit website
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