fck you guys. I saw MIW(intentionally)and they were so good. Unlike most bands, they can actually play the instruments, and Chris(singer) can both scream and sing very clearly. They are my favorite band, and dont hate on them for being who they are. They've already gotten further than any of you guys who are hatin in them. And btw, regardless of how he looks, the singer is mad cool and very down to earth, and he could beat the fck out of any of gays
fck you guys. I saw MIW(intentionally)and they were so good. Unlike most bands, they can actually play the instruments, and Chris(singer) can both scream and sing very clearly. They are my favorite band, and dont hate on them for being who they are. They've already gotten further than any of you guys who are hatin in them. And btw, regardless of how he looks, the singer is mad cool and very down to earth, and he could beat the fck out of any of gays