Post CommentRise Records should sue Roadrunner Records for trademark infringement.
"Rise should sue" very funny! Are bands ever gonna start sounding fresh? I can't take much more of this shit, what happened to RR. They were cool for like a minute. Hmmmm???? were they ever cool?
made it 50 sec in. absolutely not a damn thing fresh or original about this run of the mill electro-breakdown tripe. sounds like a mashup of emmure and panic at the disco. its simply hilarious that shit like this is what sells.
Synchronized jumping is the dumbest thing ever....fck.
^^^made it 43 seconds. cant wait when people catch on that this is horrible. same tempos, same vocals, same slightly off-time mosh parts. shit is weak sauce
DaviexDues 9/27/2011 11:47:17 AM this video ruined my day. fck music I hate everything.
DaviexDues 9/27/2011 11:47:17 AM this video ruined my day. fck music...yeah, im actually pissed off. im gonna go and slap some girls for no reason
so theres design the skyline, sepreate the skyline, at the skylines ......and they all are fckign terrible.
Kids are dumb. I say this because there really ISN'T a shortage of creative, intelligent, heavy music being made these days, but this is the ish that sells.
PS - If more people my age still cared to buy music and attend shows, half the scene bands that are big right now wouldn't be.
since when was roadrunner still around?
Made it 5 seconds in and then both vocalists started their one hand in the air and I turned it off. Met these guys too, they are gays.
"His diverse history informs not only the music he writes for At The Skylines, but also the programming elements that he brings to each song." .....what
HAHAHAAHAHAH fck THESE DILDOSSSSS. worst band to come out of california
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Old news, but still a fcking laughing matter