NewsMay 31, 2011 12:33 PM ET5,768 views

The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza recording

The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza entered the studio a week ago to begin tracking their next full-length, titled "Danza IV." Recording has been taking place at NS Studio in Muskegon, MI with producer/engineer Nicholas Scott (of Anthem Alone) at the helm. A fall release via Black Market Activities is expected.


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moogs 5/31/2011 9:35:49 AM

AH YES *strokes boner*

TheBearKing 5/31/2011 9:46:31 AM

Danza III was pretty sweet. Hopefully this blows it out of the water.

saint_wanger 5/31/2011 10:00:40 AM

Josh doing drums, guitar, bass.........Lets hope its more like Danza II than III

xmusicislifex 5/31/2011 10:38:11 AM

beyond stoked for this.....

BONER_JAMZ 5/31/2011 10:41:34 AM


liferuinerjailbait 5/31/2011 11:07:58 AM

Danza IV pre-production is the heaviest shit I've ever heard. This album is going to kill.

hussie 5/31/2011 11:56:42 AM

lol @ gays liking this band

blankz 5/31/2011 12:07:09 PM

hold me closer tony danza

metalmetal 5/31/2011 12:48:35 PM

Number 3 was the shit; I bet this one kills

needssalt 5/31/2011 2:05:22 PM

Brand new life, band new life, brand new life around the bend

djunior 5/31/2011 2:21:03 PM

dumb asses that think this is grindcore and that they are br00t4l are stoked

AnotherFaggotMovie 5/31/2011 3:06:54 PM

Grindcore?!! nobody thinks its grindcore you gay

Blinding_light 5/31/2011 3:20:48 PM

Shit band. Dude needs to focus on when knives go skyward

jeagive 5/31/2011 3:43:51 PM

Anyone wanna take bets they get gear robbed in Muskegon? That place is a shit hole!

ballsballsballsneenuballs 5/31/2011 4:19:47 PM

so stoked. Keep bringin' the HEAV-E, TONY my avatar exists for bands like this.

HBDad 5/31/2011 4:41:20 PM

III was this band finally in top form. I am concerned this is already being recorded less than a year after the last one was released (seems rushed). However, I am very much looking forward to hearing it!

colossalsausage 5/31/2011 5:26:49 PM

ive heard all of IV and its fcking unreal cant wait

okarma 5/31/2011 5:31:46 PM

this is gonna be SICK. the reason it might seem rushed is because Danza III came out about 6 months after it was actually finished. and they wrote during that time.

ballsballsballsneenuballs 5/31/2011 6:12:21 PM

its true, they had most of danza IV written while they were still tracking Danza III

HBDad 5/31/2011 7:11:02 PM

So who is in this band now? On III they had a new guitarist who also tracked bass for the album. The only other members were the vocalist and the drummer. I'd really like this to be more of a group effort and less of a one-man-band type of thing...

life_sucks_die 5/31/2011 10:25:35 PM

one question. will they ever get on a decent tour?

mattftf 6/1/2011 2:02:19 AM

life_sucks_die 5/31/2011 10:25:35 PM one question. will they ever get on a decent tour?

kill______yourself 6/1/2011 12:28:09 PM

Heard the pre production, shit fcking rules. Josh wrote everything and is tracking guitars bass and drums. Dude's a maniac.

sukkamypiipii 6/3/2011 11:56:12 AM

Yo jeagive, Muskegon isn't a shithole by any means... You must've been to the heights or some shit

noke_error 6/3/2011 6:23:24 PM

Josh is fcking INSANE. Listened to his solo stuff on his soundcloud account that may/may not be used for Danza, just unreal.

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