Post CommentDanza III was pretty sweet. Hopefully this blows it out of the water.
Josh doing drums, guitar, bass.........Lets hope its more like Danza II than III
Danza IV pre-production is the heaviest shit I've ever heard. This album is going to kill.
Number 3 was the shit; I bet this one kills
Brand new life, band new life, brand new life around the bend
dumb asses that think this is grindcore and that they are br00t4l are stoked
Grindcore?!! nobody thinks its grindcore you gay
Shit band. Dude needs to focus on when knives go skyward
Anyone wanna take bets they get gear robbed in Muskegon? That place is a shit hole!
so stoked. Keep bringin' the HEAV-E, TONY my avatar exists for bands like this.
III was this band finally in top form. I am concerned this is already being recorded less than a year after the last one was released (seems rushed). However, I am very much looking forward to hearing it!
ive heard all of IV and its fcking unreal cant wait
this is gonna be SICK. the reason it might seem rushed is because Danza III came out about 6 months after it was actually finished. and they wrote during that time.
its true, they had most of danza IV written while they were still tracking Danza III
So who is in this band now? On III they had a new guitarist who also tracked bass for the album. The only other members were the vocalist and the drummer. I'd really like this to be more of a group effort and less of a one-man-band type of thing...
one question. will they ever get on a decent tour?
life_sucks_die 5/31/2011 10:25:35 PM one question. will they ever get on a decent tour?
Heard the pre production, shit fcking rules. Josh wrote everything and is tracking guitars bass and drums. Dude's a maniac.
Yo jeagive, Muskegon isn't a shithole by any means... You must've been to the heights or some shit
Josh is fcking INSANE. Listened to his solo stuff on his soundcloud account that may/may not be used for Danza, just unreal.
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AH YES *strokes boner*