Post CommentThought shipoopi was working on some kind of health and fitness program in his spare time...Must not have panned out.
sounds like brandan screaming over a hammerfall song.
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"I wanted to stay away from what was 'expected.' I wanted to create music that broke the rules and could not be described as falling into a particular genre. I wrote this from the heart." Umm ok man.
Good song though it just sounds like Bleeding Through minus keyboards. I hope to hear another song soon though that shows a different side of the band to get a better picture of the band's entire sound.
is there actually someone called Anaal?
ah, love anaal nathrakh!! crazy ass hyperblackmetalwhateverthehellitis... can't wait to hear this
I thought Brandon Schieppati died in a plance crash recently?
Shit. This band needs a keyboard player if they want to make the mainstream, but that actually matters doesn't. Really cool track on their Myspace. This band slays. Can't wait for this album.
Oh my fcking god this is awful, awful shit.
This is indeed awful shit. Also that is fcking embarrassing/pathetic that anyone from Anaal Nathrakh has anything to do with this garbage. Wow. Well I guess a nigga has to make the green somehow.
I already got the album from a friend, sounds weird at first but it's actually kind of catchy.
drummer of 18v is in this band too.. too bad it wasnt just an 18v reunion instead of just 2 members..
my dog just farted in my face and it smells like acid and shit. also, speaking of shit...fck it you know where this is going
^^its the dreary goth dude that played on 18v last album, not anyone really worth a shit. But yea 18v reunion would be hawt
I can back this. Shiepeppi is a good dude. I would like to hear the album.
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I'm gonna check this just cause someone in the band is named "Anaal"...I fckin' love rear!