Threat Signal has officially added guitarist Chris Feener and drummer Alex Rudinger to their line-up. The pair replaces Adam Weber and Norm Killeen, respectively, who parted ways with the band last year. Threat Signal frontman Jon Howard had the following to say:
"I'd like to announce two new members of the Threat Signal camp. We destroyed Europe with these guys, and we couldn't be more excited with the sound of the band right now and what the future holds together.
"Replacing Norm Killeen on drums is Alex Rudinger from Frederick MD, USA. I caught wind of Alex's drumming through He has a large number of drumming videos including covers, and originals. My jaw dropped when I first saw this kid play!
"Replacing Adam Weber on guitar is Chris Feener from Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, Canada. Chris also has a ton of self recorded videos on I haven't seen a guy shred like this in a long time!
"A BIG thank you to Norm and Adam for their hard work in Threat Signal over the years. It was a mutual decision between us all to part ways, and there are no hard feeling what so ever. We are still great friends. We shared some amazing times together and we will never forget that. We love you guys and wish you all the best.
"Lastly, we are currently writing our third album and plan to hit the studio sometime in the spring. We'll keep you updated on our progress. All I can say for now is that the new material is heavier than anything we've done before! Get ready kids, TS is gonna tear you some new holes this year!"
Post Comment
1/5/2011 2:17:42 AM
this band wants to be Fear Factory so fcking bad
1/5/2011 2:31:40 AM
not impressed by drummer. hits like a powder puff pansy girl
1/5/2011 8:57:21 AM
because I cut the breaks! wildcard bitchezzz!
1/5/2011 10:57:10 AM
I liked their two records, but the band gets a deal from and a drummer from And now it's like one original guy left?
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