Post Commenti just got aids from thinking about this
fck every single one of these fcking bands.
The Grove is like 2000 people, can't wait for when only 300 fat guyliner-wearers come to suck dck
eww eww eww... terrible bands wear terrible makeup with terrible fans. promise me you wont ever go... PROMISE ME!
I hope everyone on 2/3 has fun paying 30 for parking and 30 for a shitty fcking show
Sorry fellow-upstaters in Buffalo for having to go through this shit
venues be prepared to provide all the personal dressing rooms, eyeliner, and nail polish. fck, man. talk about the decay of western society. this is 100% it.
will be out back 2/14 selling rock to ETFs bassist
everyone who posts on lambgoat is STOKKKKKEEDDD!
Get Scared? More like Get GAY. Amirite or amirite, cmon guys! No? Okay..
xmusicislifex 11/18/2010 8:59:13 AM will be out back 2/14 sucking c-ck with ETFs bassist
caseyfckingjones is still sad cause he's from dirty Burlington
What does this have to do with Metal or Hardcore?
See me at charlotte for a.good ole fashion gay drag.
just confirmed that each of these bands gets $2500 a night for this show, each member will take home around 21k after the tour. total truth. is failgoat jelly, how much do you guys get paid to play again?
Shit, shit, shit, shit, and more shit. This needs to end.
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