Post CommentMortal Combat and Sonic The Hedgehog theme music all night.
solid line up the new CFTG track they just posted is really good
Opener will draw more kids then the headliner.
Is Mortal Combat a NintendoDS version of the old Mortal Kombat game?
Wow, Pirates Cove in Cleveland? Really? This tour HAS to be big enough to be on the main stage at Peabody's, not the 50 cap side room...
Powerglove is a perfect fit for their name....you buy it, give it a try once, hate it, then it just collects dust.
haha jim you are the man! this press release rules.
CFTG needs to tour with un-shit bands. Videogameflip
Brett_ 9/23/2010 5:00:02 PM Is Mortal Combat a NintendoDS version of the old Mortal Kombat game?
Arsis > remainder of tour <Slayer
xmusicislifex 9/23/2010 6:30:18 PMPowerglove is a perfect fit for their name....you buy it, give it a try once, hate it, then it just collects dust....ugh seriously. like the time i tried to beat off with it. disaster.
CFTG really needs to get a singer with Drew Winter's style of vocals ;)
fck Peabody's shows are better in the Pirates Cove..... pumped for CFTG, castlevania riffs for days.
Arsis' "mediocre" stuff completely shits all over other bands' "good" stuff. Get ya head right, kidz.
thepsuedosabotage 9/24/2010 2:33:38 PM CFTG really needs to get a singer with Drew Winter's style of vocals ;) Ewww...Drew's got a creepy kid toucher moustache!
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"support from Powerglove" fcking lol.