NewsAugust 27, 2010 2:01 AM ET11,474 views

The Black Dahlia Murder, Goatwhore tour

The Black Dahlia Murder will headline a three-week fall tour with support from Goatwhore and Arkaik. Dates are as follows: 9/28 Columbus, OH @ Skully's 9/29 Buffalo, NY @ Mohawk Place 9/30 Brooklyn, NY @ Europa 10/1 Hartford, CT @ Webster Underground 10/2 Bucksport, ME @ The Kave 10/3 Quebec, QC @ Imperial de Quebec 10/4 Montreal, QC @ Petit Café 10/5 Ottawa, ON @ Ritual 10/6 Toronto, ON @ The Wreck Room 10/7 Lemoyne, PA @ Championship 10/8 Richmond, VA @ Canal Club 10/9 Wilmington, NC @ The Soapbox Laundrolounge 10/10 Charlotte, NC @ The Casbah 10/12 St. Louis, MO @ Pop's 10/13 Des Moines, IA @ The Vaudeville Mews 10/14 DeKalb, IL @ House Café 10/15 Grand Rapids, MI @ Mixtape Café 10/16 Toledo, OH @ Headliners


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j2step 8/26/2010 11:06:20 PM

The house cafe? Last place I thought id see them For all you gays.....FIRST POST!

j2step 8/26/2010 11:07:08 PM

might as well take second post too

casketofaids 8/26/2010 11:49:03 PM

I'll pass on this gay shit

fukuimdrunk 8/26/2010 11:55:51 PM


DrMartinLutherKingJr 8/27/2010 12:22:51 AM

arkaik is good. fck the others

cfv 8/27/2010 12:56:32 AM

i've HEARD goatwhore is good live(cds are boring as fck)...either way, they aren't coming to minneapolis so i couldn't care less.

thrashnotcash 8/27/2010 1:48:32 AM

What the fck? Come to Ca.... and by the way goatwhore is awesome live, but I agree their recordings are boring

georgewashingmachinexoxox 8/27/2010 3:18:57 AM

Of course black dahlia don't come here........well fck U WEBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fck EVERYONE READIN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fck U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

internalwar 8/27/2010 3:20:28 AM

10/8 will be there

tylerdurdentylerdurden 8/27/2010 4:54:27 AM

yeah gay, you go to your canal club

IHatePubes 8/27/2010 5:40:54 AM

Ace Of Base should be on this.

LoydChristmas 8/27/2010 9:01:05 AM

Soapbox Laundrolounge sounds like the set of a Sugar Ray video

xmusicislifex 8/27/2010 9:57:27 AM

Carnifex is stoked

purplesabbath87 8/27/2010 1:43:21 PM

BDM goes from playing 500+ cap venues to ~200 cap venues?!?

sofakingcool 8/27/2010 2:05:42 PM


Aenon 8/27/2010 4:14:18 PM

fck canada

BrettMichaels 8/28/2010 7:49:14 AM

I'm claimin 17th post on this mothafcka

blackdahlia 8/28/2010 11:45:02 AM

If Black Dahlia needs a place to stay in STL after the show on the 12th I got a 4 bedroom house to myself Ill give up my bed I got a whole bunch of weed and liquor and cook you guys breakfast in the morning befor off to the next show Ill be there!!!

metal_tits 8/28/2010 10:05:29 PM

will be there in charlotte for goatwhore

wildcard_charlie 8/28/2010 10:44:41 PM

10/8 will be there

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