Post Commenti've HEARD goatwhore is good live(cds are boring as fck)...either way, they aren't coming to minneapolis so i couldn't care less.
What the fck? Come to Ca.... and by the way goatwhore is awesome live, but I agree their recordings are boring
Of course black dahlia don't come here........well fck U WEBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fck EVERYONE READIN THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fck U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah gay, you go to your canal club
Soapbox Laundrolounge sounds like the set of a Sugar Ray video
BDM goes from playing 500+ cap venues to ~200 cap venues?!?
If Black Dahlia needs a place to stay in STL after the show on the 12th I got a 4 bedroom house to myself Ill give up my bed I got a whole bunch of weed and liquor and cook you guys breakfast in the morning befor off to the next show Ill be there!!!
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The house cafe? Last place I thought id see them For all you gays.....FIRST POST!