Post Commentguitarist_sandy 4/8/2010 1:46:47 PM Should be gay
my children my bride sells 30,000+ copies? fcking demon hunter sold 15,000 the first week?? look, who wants to start a christian band seriously we could do that shit...hit me up.
This band is terrible. Seriously, they are fckin garbage. All of the members need to headbutt table saws immediately.
thier obsession with vampires need to stop now. "Lost Boy" isn't a creative spin on your team edward c-cksucking ways.
It IS impressive that MCMB sold 30k cd's because the it had only 2 good songs. Better come out with some bangers on this one.
Can't wait to pick this up at hot topic. I hope this doesn't suck.
im tellin you guys...vampires+christ=selling a ton of records. lets get on it
twilight gay kiefer sutherland fanboy band flip
was wondering how long they were gonna ride the last poo poo album. kids with deck shoes are stoked.
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Should be good