Post CommentThis could fit in the News Bits section.. because no one gives two shits about this band
BREAK UP! nobody cares that you have toured with hatebreed and emmure, WORTHLESS gay DEATHCORE.
so happy to be working with these guys again! :D
Ex singer filling in or for current singer...oh man ahah
whoever sees this band live will get stupider.
In this economy how is a band like this even touring? Who the fck is giving these jokers money?
my bassist has crohn's. it's an awful disease. get well soon.
that singer was a fcking idiot when i saw them perform in orlando. talked sooo much shit cause the crowd didnt give a fck about them. eat a fat bag of dicks.
In other news, Drew Carothers joins back up with the super hit group Catalepsy due to Josh Anderson's battle with Crohn's Disease.
God is slowly punishing all the shitty bands for all sounding alike.
Crowd didn't give a shit about catalepsy in orlando? hmm must have been the one show out of 8972862798456 that the crowd didn't go nuts. On another note, go fck yourself you piece of shit. You're just jealous, motherfcker.
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