Post CommentI've played a few shows with these guys. Very talented dudes.
Yeah keep them on your label, gaytrash.
this band sounds like an awful local band live
Awesome band, awesome EP Can't wait for more
Its a Lovecraft reference, also, you tools
Godfatherofsoul --- james, you're always so angry, you should just try and not talk so much might calm you down. :)
Don't condescend me you little c-cksucker, Your label had some good stuff and then you started signing awful fcking garbage & your band, don't even get me started on your "band"
Great band, great dudes. Already knew this weeks ago but congrats fellas.
good band and label,anyone that says other wise can eat shit and die...
I think I just pnathed in my pants. Poopy style.
Godfatherofsoul -- why would you stop now talking junk about my band? you do it in every other post in which i make a comment. What? run of of witty ways to slag me or my band?!
hahaha, like i give a shit about you. you give yourself far too much credit, chief.
Nice dudes, however never worked for anything.
1..."the villian can sck a dck" dun dun da da dun dun, *BOOM* hahahaha, when will you losers learn?! haha.
Vale of Maya > Veil of Pnath. Good band though.
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pnath? pnath?