Official press release:
For the last few years the TDB Records roster has been branching out far from our Boston locale, welcoming California's Litany For the Whale, Germany's Perth Express, and the Texans in Die Young. As wonderful as it's been spreading our wings to work with bands further and further from our home, I am very proud to announce that we are finally returning to the city that got us started. Sometimes what you're looking for is right under your nose and in the last month or so we've confirmed releases for three incredibly talented local bands.
First up are the boys and girl of Phantom Glue. Pilfering the heavy from seminal acts like Electric Wizard and High on fire, and the wailing guitars of Pentagram, these four shacked up with Kurt Ballou (Converge, Doomriders, Torche etc.) at Godcity last year to record a colossal debut full-length. With mastering by Nick Zampiello (New Alliance East) and hand painted artwork by artist and guitar player Matt Oates, this self-titled record is scheduled for an April release. Those in the New England area can catch the band opening for Coalesce and Harvey Milk in March.
Our second release on its way to the plant will be the debut EP by Boston's Choke Up. A surprisingly mature, epic, and emotive hardcore recording, this EP will strike a chord with fans of Against Me, Small Brown Bike and At The Drive In. These four high school friends from just north of Boston hit the studio in late in '09 at Andrews Lane Recording (Maintain, The Effort). The organic recording lends the instruments a lush and thick sound, though the songs are played with a true sense of urgency lost in much of the melodic hardcore scene. Look for a March release date on CD and April for digital.
Heading into the studio in mid-February as the third in the triumvirate of Boston brutality, are the down-tuned chaotic hardcore trio Furnace. Anyone bummed that Ed Gein dropped off the map a few years ago or who wishes Converge could still play basement shows will have a permanent boner for these Boston via New Hampshire transplants. Crunched into two minute songs are technically adept, catchy and chaotic riffs surrounded by blistering drums and thick distorted bass. Furnace will sit you down and make you headbang, smoke weed and consider killing everyone around you, all with a smile on their bearded faces.
All three releases will be available on CD and at all major digital distributors with special t-shirt/poster packages available on the TDB webstore for those who order early on. Check for updates as they unfold.
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