Post CommentThe Red Chord rules. Every other band sucks dck. XMOSHX
oh sweet now i can throw snakes at chelsea grin
The Red Chord is an exact copy of Suicide Silence... Completly unoriginal band. In a year nobody will even remember they existed.
^^^^ Your a fcking idiot to claim The Red Chord copied Suicide Silence.
Looks like iwabo dropped off. Red Chord are going to make the other bands looks like jokes.
MCMB is still around?I wonder if anyone gives a fck about em?
2/12 - that would Buffalo MN. WTF is Pensacola? lol. idiots.
sgd54 cannot be serious, can he/she/it? i hope not.
i bet the red chord just wants to fcking hang themselves
aka the red chord attempting to stay relevant tour
sgd54 1/6/2010 11:23:09 PM The Red Chord is an exact copy of Suicide Silence... Completly unoriginal band. In a year nobody will even remember they existed. (I hope you get your fcking face ripped apart for that statement fcking n00b)
wxp 1/7/2010 1:29:50 AM i bet the red chord just wants to fcking hang themselves
sgd54 you should go kill yourself you dumn fcking retard! hahah suicide silence was sucking red chords didck when they were 15!
i really honestly cannot understand why the red chord would do this to themselves.
and the endless parade of stupid tour names continues
I guess no one noticed the obvious sarcasm in sgd54 post... internet flip to all of you
If you gays would buy Red Chord albums intead of downloading them this might not happen so often
Besides TRC, Those Who Lie Beneath is going to fcking own this tour. If anyone gets a chance to check this band out, do it.
red necks and hillbillies are stoked for this piece of shit tour
sgd54 dude looks like no one here can pick on sarcasm.
the "fck everything" tour. red chord rules anyways.
Sheesh more evidence that this band has gone downhill.
Sorry about my comment, it wan't sarcasm, it was supposed to say The Red Chord is a copy of Suicide Silence. I've seen them and, they blow. And the label they're on is sadly becoming one of the worst labels in hardore/metal.
sgd54 is probably a fan of Whitechapel. Chelsea Grin...really?
eh, fck it. 2/20 for red chord. fight me
sgd54 i hope your fcking kidding. get fcked.
Chelsea grin are british people, we won the war.
selloutforsatan 1/7/2010 2:50:57 PM sgd54 i hope your fcking kidding. get fcked.
I'm pretty sure impending doom is stoked.... Side note: the red chord were a band long before suicide silence crawled out of corona with short hair and edge tattoos.
its a shame The Red Chord is touring with mediocre bands
"Sorry about my comment, it wan't sarcasm, it was supposed to say The Red Chord is a copy of Suicide Silence" --- Don't apologize, not your fault you don't know anything about musical history.
so much whitetrash is gonna be there for the red chord
sgd54, are you inbred? red chord has been around way longer then shit silence
Unending gayry in this box... lol @ people who think TRC are a clone of anybody they were the catalyst for clones. SS are horrid shite.
the red chord is tight. the rest is absolute shit. kill chelsea grin and alex from statik factory. plzzzz
Suicide Silence is garbage. "Wake up wake up wake up wake up" I get it. Nobody fcking cares. To compare The Red Chord to them in any way is just wrong.
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Oh, neat.