NewsJanuary 3, 2010 9:33 PM ET10,920 views

The Red Chord, Iwrestledabearonce, etc. tour

The Red Chord has confirmed plans to soon tour with Mychildren Mybride, Iwrestledabearonce, Chelsea Grin, and Those Who Lie Beneath. Dates announced thus far (with more to come) include: 2/11 Douglasville, GA @ The 7 Venue 2/19 Corpus Christi, TX @ House Of Rock 3/6 Louisville, KY @ Uncle Pleasants 3/12 South Hackensack, NJ @ School Of Rock 3/13 Hartford, CT @ Webster Underground


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whylordwhy 1/3/2010 6:37:25 PM

Ummmmmm ok

youaresceneasfuck 1/3/2010 6:43:07 PM

wow, the red chord. just wow.

some_kind_of_palsy 1/3/2010 6:43:31 PM

poor red chord

bigbabyhayzeus 1/3/2010 6:47:28 PM

i'm so tired of these myspace hype bands like the red chord popping up out of nowhere and getting all big. they need to learn to pay their dues on the road like iwrestledabearonce and chelsea grin

cubs7379 1/3/2010 6:52:31 PM

i dont think anyone likes the red chord enough to see this shit

destroyerofpoon 1/3/2010 6:53:12 PM

wow bigbabyhayzeus the redchords been touring before any of these gays in these bands were out of high school you stupid gay.

Sandwiches 1/3/2010 7:00:30 PM

^^ way to pick up on the sarcasm fckface. But seriously I feel sorry for the red chord. Like seriously

beatyourfuckingface 1/3/2010 7:10:02 PM

i love red chord but would never see them at any of these shows. poor band.

the_mouth_ofthe_machine 1/3/2010 7:13:07 PM

destroyerofpoop should be crucified

julio_isnt_really_stoked 1/3/2010 7:17:43 PM


kobe_bryant 1/3/2010 7:24:07 PM

destroyerofpoon setting a new standard for news only posters

chomp_chomp 1/3/2010 7:27:40 PM

destroyerofpoon just posted one of the best comments of all time. hahahaha.

sacralplexus 1/3/2010 7:28:49 PM

horrendous tour. wont be there

meatflip 1/3/2010 7:33:06 PM

Will only go to fck Krysta Cameron in her brown eye. All the rest can flip.

L0lb 1/3/2010 7:45:37 PM

iwabo isn't even on this tour. the bitch has to have surgery because she has a cyst in her throat.

destroyerofpoon 1/3/2010 7:53:26 PM

I'll set my own rules fck all ya'll ni gg as

tnuttybuddy 1/3/2010 7:55:44 PM

massive lols @ this tour

bennetbrower 1/3/2010 7:56:36 PM

a big tour fail to these scum bags

casketofaids 1/3/2010 8:08:39 PM

Bad tour with bad bands....

whoisthirsty 1/3/2010 8:10:31 PM

Iwabo is not on this tour.

Fuckyourxs 1/3/2010 8:14:40 PM

Eeesh. Will go if I can get in for free. I love the red chord but have heard enough of the other bands to know that this tour sucks. They must be trying to expand their fanbase.

JobforaJew 1/3/2010 8:30:53 PM

would go for those who lie beneath.....thats about it

notransfer 1/3/2010 8:36:37 PM

the sky is falling. there is a cyst because of all the c-m

gerbil_bits 1/3/2010 8:51:27 PM

Red Chord must be bored as fck to hang around all those shit-eaters

Unstoppable 1/3/2010 9:15:44 PM

this is degrading to TRC.

thuglife666 1/3/2010 9:20:17 PM


thuglife666 1/3/2010 9:20:59 PM

gay nnnnnnnn

gayXedge 1/3/2010 9:35:54 PM

This tour is not gonna be allright. Its not gonna be ok.

pork_destroyer 1/3/2010 9:43:03 PM

shit fckin tour,iwrestledabearonce blows the most out of all of them

xLionHeartx 1/3/2010 10:06:26 PM

The only band that should have been on this line up with The Red Chord is Those Who Lie Beneath.

yomama 1/3/2010 10:48:04 PM

lol at anyone knowing anything about iwabo medical news. queer tour. those who lie beneath? lol

Hate_Goat 1/3/2010 10:54:12 PM

Good thing Rose Funeral is not on this.

meanmuggin 1/3/2010 11:33:48 PM

wait, what?

careerforacaballero 1/3/2010 11:47:44 PM

the absolute worst tour package EVER. why the hell woul red chord agree to this?

L0lb 1/4/2010 12:06:16 AM

because they dont draw and are with bands that will?

generic_gimmick 1/4/2010 12:24:16 AM

who would pay real money to see any of this horseshit?

inthepathoftitans 1/4/2010 12:34:17 AM

another shitty tour

GETDEAD 1/4/2010 12:48:20 AM

destroyerofpoon should be on this.

ldr_hater_bjj5858 1/4/2010 12:59:58 AM

man, that fat bitch sucks

fuckthisband 1/4/2010 4:05:46 AM

Decent band tours with shittiest bands around. Lame.

KillsOnWheels 1/4/2010 7:37:10 AM

manowar should be on this

hot4you814 1/4/2010 8:32:45 AM


LoydChristmas 1/4/2010 9:01:40 AM

"bigbabyhayzeus 1/3/2010 6:47:28 PM i'm so tired of these myspace hype bands like the red chord popping up out of nowhere and getting all big. they need to learn to pay their dues on the road like iwrestledabearonce and chelsea grin" ...i chuckled.

spawnofdannyrodriguez 1/4/2010 9:17:55 AM

destroyerofpoon isn't stoked right now

MuseumOfScienceHistory 1/4/2010 9:50:04 AM

hate red chord, will go for mcmb iwabo cg. fck haters life flip

metalmetal 1/4/2010 10:03:47 AM

Ill be there in NJ for Red Chord and MCMB

bloodasink 1/4/2010 10:08:22 AM


mike331 1/4/2010 11:32:31 AM

oh haters haters haters hater haters all good bands maybe not right to be on the same tour but there all good fck yourselves

cultureofwaste 1/4/2010 1:32:50 PM

is this a joke?

globaldisaster 1/4/2010 2:01:35 PM

come to houston so i can steal iwabo's shit

inhuman 1/4/2010 2:31:31 PM

This is fcking retarded as fck.

pukeskywalker 1/4/2010 3:37:19 PM

this is worse than Shai Hulud touring with After the Burial and Emmure or whoever that was. barf

A_grill_a_bun_a_roast 1/4/2010 4:32:55 PM

Impending Doom is stoked!

m0t0gr8tor_rulez 1/4/2010 4:44:44 PM

red chord and TWLB. all the others can die.

anaturaldisaster 1/4/2010 5:39:49 PM

Damn, this tour fcking sucks. The Red Chord are past the point of needing to tour with these garbage bands.

XMatthewXL0l 1/4/2010 6:02:16 PM

watch out for MCMB and Chelsea Grin playing an identical breakdown every night :)

brohawk 1/4/2010 7:55:55 PM

my guess is that the red chord have brought those 4 idiot-bands on tour because the red chord plans to ghost-ride their van off a cliff once the others bands are all inside...seeing as theres no way iwabo can afford their own van.

mike331 1/4/2010 9:05:13 PM

oh yes XMatthewXL0l your comment is so funny that you forgot to realise they dont play the same music HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :D

twat_waffle 1/4/2010 10:02:36 PM

Who does worse tours now, the Red Chord or Dillinger?

TheBearKing 1/5/2010 12:00:43 AM

I'd go to watch Red Chord and shit on the rest of the bands' chests.

xEMMUREGROUPIEx 1/5/2010 12:12:50 AM

the only other good band on here is those who lie beneath the others are complete garbage and dillinger does for the record

xbudlightx 1/5/2010 7:41:27 AM

IWABO and chelsea grin is for fans of "boarder line homosexual all over print wearing purple jean highschool boys with snake bites and a septum ring"

DaNiggaRightchea 1/5/2010 8:42:30 AM

The Red Chord is going to gangbang the bitch from Iwrestledabearonce every night.

rickrock 1/5/2010 9:20:59 AM

If you bend over really far, you can look at your own jerk.

MuseumOfScienceHistory 1/5/2010 11:35:52 AM

everyone hatin on krysta is mad cuz they can't get laid LAMBGOATFLIP

jackkempsangryghost 1/5/2010 11:52:01 AM

I think the Red Chord is playing a joke on us and none of those other bands even exist. 29 kids in 5 states are about to get sucked out of their allowance $.

bigbabyhayzeus 1/5/2010 2:30:42 PM

bigbabyhayzeus should be on this

joshuamiasma 1/5/2010 3:48:07 PM

If this comes to my town I will be there for The Red Chord, that is all.

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